Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ateneo-La Salle Rivalry Over the Past Decade

The recent Ateneo-La Salle Game seemed to be a regular duel between the two storied rivals. There is such a thing as “regular” even when we talk about such a highly anticipated matchup between these two prestigious universities. Maybe, “less memorable” is the better term for it – the expected result happened; no huge in-game scuffles occurred; it was very far from a classic game.

However, this game marked some firsts for me. It was the first time I got to witness an empty General Admission section. The Green Gallery could not fill up the upper 1/3 of the middle Upper B section during the time the blue shirted audience have begun conquering the La Salle side. What is even startling is the fact that the once mighty La Salle crowd seemed to lose its spunk. They cheered, but the swagger was missing. They would normally boo us passionately after our initial cheer. They could not muster a wave even if it was a tight game in the first half. All I witnessed was a rival crowd stressed by the fact that they know their team would not win this game.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Return of the 8 Random Thoughts

I’m baaaaaack! After more than a month of hiatus, I am blogging again. For some coincidence, I do not have time for writing during the month of July (also happened last year). I might be too stressed, preoccupied or just too lazy to write. I know it is strange because I should have more time because the network TV shows are not eating up my free time. Heck, I only have college basketball and baseball as the sports I watch at this time of the year. Whatever. Let’s get to the meaty stuff about sports and pop culture. There are too many topics I missed so I have to use the “Eight Random Thoughts” format. Let’s do this!

The Return of Random Thoughts Pt. 2

Link the the first part: PART 1

Tom Brady and Chad Ochocino. Go Patriots!
Random Thought #5: Which team is the best coming out of the NFL free agency?

Call me a homer, but I am picking the Green Bay Packers and the New England Patriots. I could not pick one over the other though. The defending champions may not have gotten star free agents but their team from last year is intact (which is important). In a lockout-rushed season, it is important to have an intact team because teams got less time to practice together. Getting
overshadowed by New England, Philadelphia and other teams that made strong moves in free agency adds fuel to the Packers’ fire. We should also note that Green Bay had several injured starters before the playoffs last year, thus they are even stronger this year as they return. Lastly, Green Bay drafted quality players in this year’s draft.