Monday, November 28, 2011

Avoiding Negativity

NBA Lockout is over! | Credit: Getty Images
When you experience a major defect on a product, you normally get pissed about it or you try to avoid committing the same mistake of buying the same thing again. This gets worse if you find out that it was consistently bad from the experiences of your friends. However if you are currently stuck with that product (again – because you have no choice), all you can do is sigh and wish it would last longer than the last time.

In my experience, it would have to be iPod’s earphones. Make no mistake about it – iPod’s earphones sound well and look great. My biggest qualm about it is its durability. When I had my first set of those white earphones, I noticed its rubber wearing off after three months. By the fifth month, the earphones were totally useless. Thus, I became extra careful when I had my second set of earphones last July. I always put them in a relatively safer place after using. I was very glad that there was no trace of the rubber wearing off. I was thinking to myself, “Apple has finally fixed the earphone concern. Yay! But still, I hope this set can outlive my first set.”