Monday, April 7, 2014

How I Defend the TV Show I Stuck With Through Thick and Thin (HIDTTVSISWTTAT)

Trying to find sense on a supposedly nonsensical theme of what several pundits have claimed to be a nonsensical show

Destiny | Credit: CBS
“Funny how sometimes you just find things.” – Tracy McConnell

WARNING: Spoilers Ahead!

November 2008

My friend finally convinced me to watch ‘How I Met Your Mother.’ It took me a long while to consider watching HIMYM because the title was not enticing. I was already watching TV shows with better titles like Lost, Heroes, Grey’s Anatomy, Scrubs, Prison Break, Gossip Girl and House so it was difficult to consider watching a new one. But since my friend had a good track record in suggesting TV shows, I gave her my flash drive so she could copy over Seasons 1 and 2 on it.

It took me some time to watch it, but I eventually gave it a try one night. The pilot episode featured the story about a romantic guy named Ted Mosby who suddenly got pressured to find girl of his dreams (a.k.a. “The One”) because his bestfriend Marshall just got engaged. The pilot episode was refreshingly funny because the jokes were natural and witty. I could totally relate to their humor because their target market would be my generation. I also found Ted’s dating moves funny because it felt like the do’s and don’ts of dating (or Dating 101). It was just ironic that I laughed at it hard then because I had a girlfriend. But years after that (when I became single again) when I tried to date other women, I found myself falling into the same Ted Mosby bloopers.