Monday, September 29, 2014

Handing out the Letter Grades: 2014 New TV Shows Edition

Credit: Fox
I’m back.

Such a shame that I was not able to blog anything after all the blog-worthy news in the past months. These are what happened since the last time I blogged:
1)    FIFA World Cup. Yes, I followed it and even rooted for a team. Heck, I even lost valuable sleep watching those matches. If that wasn’t enough, I won our bracket. Lastly, the champions were a #WhyNotUs team
2)    FIBA World Cup. Oh those memorable Gilas games. All of their games (except the Greece game) were reaction-worthy
3)    LeBron returning to Cleveland. ‘Nuff said.
4)    Mad Men. Because I am a fantard of that show. And with good reason.
5)    San Antonio defeating Miami in the NBA Finals. #WhyNotUs Alert
6)    Breaking Bad dominated the Emmy’s
7)    The Viper and the Mountain duel happened. And broke the hearts of millions of people.