Sunday, January 27, 2013

Fake Mailbag

And we got Bradying | Credit:
 We are midway at the end of January and things have been crazier than ever in sports and pop culture. The wildest of them all happened last week when news came out that Manti Te’o, college football star of Notre Dame, had a fake dead girlfriend. To put things into bigger perspective, Manti had one of the sweetest storylines last year. He delivered a very strong performance on the next game after both his grandmother and girlfriend died of leukemia. Movie-like story, isn’t it? Only problem was, his girlfriend never existed. The Twitter account was fake and the picture used in there belonged to a chick who did not even know who Manti Te’o was.

Fake Mailbag for the fake artist | Credit: ESPN
Insane, right? How the heck will someone have a relationship with a person he never met person-to-person? If Manti was indeed fooled, that says a lot about him. I know that technology has “advanced” the way we communicate with people in the present time, but seriously, you haven’t met the person you love? He even mentioned his dead girlfriend’s parents understood why he wouldn’t attend the funeral. Really? He was able to talk to fake parents? What is happening in this world?

That story was a total shame. Whether he got fooled or is trying to fool everyone, Manti Te’o has been receiving a lot of flak these days for this sick and twisted idea of having a fake dead girlfriend. Now, there are teowing pictures (which is posing as if you have a girlfriend right beside you) over the Internet now. Lies. Fake. Lies. Fake. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.

And with that, comes the conception of this blog entry – a creative way of inserting my random thoughts about current stories and non-stories. Since we are talking about ‘fake’ anyway, it is just apt to have fake celebrities throw out mails to me.

Talking about ‘fake,’ why don’t you talk about my previous owner’s fake sense of having professionalism? He shut the door on me years ago and he is trying to call me back now? Why should I give that douchebag a second chance?

-    Lance Armstrong’s Sense of Good Judgment

It is such a shame that two (three if you want to include LeBron; hundreds if you include the baseball players) of the important athletes we looked up to in the past decade have fallen from grace. Tiger Woods with his infidelity and Lance Armstrong with his steroid use. So much for the idea that they are role models. Like Tiger, there is no way of defending Lance on his doping tendencies from years past. But if you’re asking me if you should give the jerk a second chance, I would still say yes. No matter how much of an ass someone is, all of us deserve another chance to redeem ourselves in this world.

Yes! | Credit: Jessica Mendoza's Facebook
look who reads your blog! Luuuuufet!
-    @pwitbull via Twitter

check je mendoza's FB page man!!!
-    @realboybastos via Twitter

WoW RT @pwitbull: @jeffdelprado look who reads your blog! Luuuuufet!
-    @davesison via Twitter

@davesison @jeffdelprado uyyyy! diyan-nagsisimula-yan!
-    @steadylang via Twitter

Panis RT @jeffdelprado: Double WoW. RT @davesison: WoW RT @pwitbull: @jeffdelprado look who reads your blog! Luuuuufet!
-    @MrJakeF via Twitter

These were not fake tweets (and the picture ain’t fake either). I got these last Sunday night while I was having a dinner in a restaurant. My smartphone went wild in a span of an hour. Borrowing Bill Simmons’ experience when Te’o’s story erupted, it was like someone inserted a vibrator inside my pocket. Thanks to my friends for noticing this. This blog got an unexpected mention from one of my favorite celebrities – the one and only – Jessica Mendoza.

For years, I have avoided posting Ateneo Blue Eagle-related pictures because of possible copyright issues. I was glad when I was able to take pictures of them using our DSLR during the 2010 bonfire. I guess it all paid off as Jessica was able to use those to promote her recent blog. We will discuss this more later.

i think it's time to pull a Manti Teo bruh (in response to the Jessica Mendoza tweet)
-    @davesison via Twitter

Laughing out loud on this. It has been a week (and hey, I did not even know of Manti Te’o a week ago) but the idea of having a “fake girlfriend” is already a great target of jokes. For single guys who have crazy imagination on making jokes (like me), this can get wilder and more hilarious any moment.

Wala namang ma-cuddle. #teowing na lang. RT @liadcruz It's called cuddle weather :P “@seph_ubalde: Coldest day in Metro
-    @jeffdelprado via Twitter

There you go.

WTF. Mailbag to myself?

Why the eff are you still smiling after we have lost? So much for you being a diehard Patriot fan. How many more annual playoff exits do we have to go through before you get to be totally depressed? Bostonians are in deep depression this week, why don’t you go through the same pain as them?

-    2012 New England Patriots, Massachusetts

Because Jessica Mendoza posted this blog on Facebook a day before this loss? I am still in a hangover. Just kidding though. Of course, I feel bad. Helpless for most of the time especially when it was excruciating to see the Pats finding it tough to score a point in the second half. It is always bad when your team gets eliminated in the playoffs. Heck, it is even tougher to fathom because this could have been the closest chance I will be getting for that annual sports championship streak to continue.

But if I were to rate this recent elimination, I would put it a 6.5 out of 10 (with 10 being the most depressing). It could have been worse if Jessica Mendoza did not post… (OK, let’s stop it even if it is actually true that the FB post somehow made the pain more bearable.) I am rating it 6.5 because of the following:

1)    Even if the Ravens are now considered as our rivals, I do not feel any hatred or dislike on them. Probably, it is because they were the underdogs compared to the Pittsburgh Steelers for years. It could be because Mike Oher (the protagonist of “Blind Side”) is playing for the Ravens.
2)    The Ravens outplayed the Patriots. Simple as that. Give the team its due. They earned it. As Simmons said, Pats played not to lose, the Ravens played to win.
3)    Bernard Karmell Pollard. Wait… this guy just increased the rating. Just kidding. Yes, Pollard injured another Patriot but it was Stevan Ridley’s fault to clash with Pollard. But yes, I still hate this dude.
4)    This actually made it worse. Tom Brady kicked Ed Reed before the end of the half. That was an unclassy move for the normally classy guy. In fairness, Tom apologized eventually.
5)    #4 bringing some bad karma to the Pats. But still, the Ravens were really great in the second half. You create your own luck.
6)    Tom Brady sucking in another playoff game. This is supposed to be a guy who is clutch in playoffs. Is he doing a Benjamin Button? (I am not really mad at this because he has a newborn kid. Imagine having sleepless nights due to that. #apologist)
7)    I actually like the Ravens a bit. I rooted for them in 2010 when the Patriots got eliminated (and yes, the Ravens also defeated the Pats that year)
8)    Yes, that Jessica Mendoza FB post helped.

Do you think I am fake?

-    Dwight Howard, Los Angeles

I have been a Dwight hater since he ditched Stan Van Gundy. I never liked him before that coach killing incident (Note: He didn’t murder SVG but he was thrown under the bus). Calling him a fraud is too much. However, he does not seem to be taking things seriously. That is all on him. Say what you want about Kobe possibly demotivating Dwight, but we have to note that he is an all-star and was once a leader. He won’t be successful until he does not take the game seriously.

Dwight, I don’t think you are fake, but come on, dude. You are better than what you are right now. Put your passion in the game.

Yes, this is another excuse to post a beautiful Taylor Swift picture | Credit:
You made Taylor Swift your top celebrity chick of 2012 based on “substance.” Are you kidding me?! Maybe you were taking some substance called drugs while writing them. You do realize that Taylor Swift has another swift relationship that she is turning into a bitter breakup song, right? Oh… now I know why you said “substance over appearance.” The “substance” you were talking about is silicon.

-    Taylor Swift Hater, All Around The World

This news is actually old and I was supposed to write about it weeks ago. Nevertheless, I will still comment on my top celebrity chick of 2012. I don’t do drugs (though it must be all the medications I took last month). In hindsight, this seemed to be a pick that backfired on me faster than Barney Stinson can shout “jinx” at you after saying the same sentence with him.

I do not know what the full story behind Taylor’s breakup is. It is all speculation and rumors up to now. What we do know is that, she writes breakup songs as a way to backlash against her ex-boyfriend. Yes, she did that last year too. At first, you can probably sympathize with her. But to do it again on another fast relationship? Not cool. In hindsight, it is not also that great to sympathize with her then, because come on, let’s face it: would you want your ex talking bad stuff about you on public? Yes, it is understandable you are pissed at the person but to destroy someone’s image is not good either. It’s not like you are right all the time. I don’t know if there is an Ex Code, but there should be one. Show some courtesy. Stay classy, Taylor.

I am not really a fan of revenge. I believe the best way someone can “revenge” is just to not mind the other person. Just be a better person. I hope Taylor eventually learns that putting someone down should not be the way to go. As for the boob job, well it does appear she had one. Not really the shining moment of Taylor’s career. Natural > Fake. Taylor, you were already – by physical standards – hot.

If you are asking me why I am turning on Taylor Swift this fast, my answer would be: I call it as I see it. There is no use defending something I think is wrong. I just hope that person changes. And yes, I am rooting for Taylor to do the right thing. Scrap ‘em vicious breakup songs, please.

Why are some people angry at me for saying that I still have feelings for Robin after I supposedly let her go?

-    Ted Mosby, New York

I understand why people would get mad at Ted for that, but in case they forgot: Ted was pretty much chasing Robin – in subtle ways or not – for the entirety of the show. It is not easy to control feelings either. Remember when Robin stated “I hate feelings?” That pretty much sums how it would be tough for Ted to not get hurt when Barney’s text message on his engagement with Robin came.

Ted, I do not think there was anything wrong you did. You let go of Robin then because you love her. That was the ultimate sacrifice. No matter how much he wants to win Robin’s heart, Ted did what he thought was right. If you love someone, you want them to be happy, right? Mosby has pretty much matured on that aspect. As to his hopes on being Robin’s forever lover, I actually do not know what will happen. We all know Robin did not have cold feet in the wedding. And she is not the Mother. What we don’t know is that, will they have a renewed relationship eventually? Not actually a good story, but life is never always a good story.

Note: Remember when Ted mentioned to his parents that he will tell his love story to his kids? Weren’t they on divorce then? What if that was what transpired in the future where Ted and Robin eventually ended up together? (Remember the kids and Aunt Robin’s drawings from the pilot episode? Don’t they show how super close Robin was to them?) This is just a speculation I got from Not 100% rooting for it but it could very well be how things will pan out.

P.S. When Ted mentioned that Barney’s text message felt like Ted was hurt a million times, I bet a lot of people related to it. Yes, I felt how genuine the feeling is. Love hurts more than most physical damage can bring you.

Hey, I just met you. My Name Is Carly. I like Star Wars. So kiss me maybe? | Credit: CBS
Do you think I am hot? And, does it really matter to make a connection with Ted even if it was fake?

-    Carly Whittaker, New York

Physically, of course, you are hot. On other things, I am not sure about that. You keep on falling for Ted even if you were not actually connecting? Not actually the best character HIMYM writers have created.

Off to the more important question: I think making a connection matters. One of the starting points two people would want to have is similarities. You work off from there. No matter how hot a chick is, if both of you would not mesh well, you might as well forget about it. I think that is the reason why Jessica Mendoza has several fanboys. Yes, 99.9% would have zero chance on her because 1) she is taken, and 2) she does not know 99.9% of us personally. However, part of her charm is that she likes cool stuff boys do: Star Wars, basketball, A Song of Ice and Fire to name a few (I will add Mad Men, HIMYM and Entourage to the list). There was that connection/similarity we see in our celebrity crush.

Connection matters. I love conversing with a chick so if we end up staring at each other deadly, I know that it is not going to work out. These are foundations for potential relationships.

However, it does not mean that having 100% similarities matter. You are not marrying yourself. Differences – like similarities – are critical for a relationship. How you compliment and compromise makes a relationship work. It makes it more fun. I would say a good balance between similarities and differences is healthy. This is why it was still plausible that Ted was giving Carly a shot no matter how different they were.

Can we stop discussing about my love opinions? It is not February yet.

Star Wars Week!!! | Credit:
It has been a Star Wars Week. Any comments on it?

-    Jeff del Prado, Makati

It has been a Star Wars Week for me. My buddy Jake tried to convince me to go for my three-year-long dream of owning a Darth Vader mask. I did not have the balls to buy one when I was in the United States last year (you know, when I could have just put it in my balikbayan box without additional fees) because I was spending too much moolah on my out-of-town trips. This year, I have nothing to spend for so I might as well buy it out.

Then, HIMYM referenced Star Wars big time in the most recent episode. I geeked out upon hearing R2D2’s sounds on Carly’s cellphone. (Funny reaction but still not a valid reason for Ted to start making out with Carly.)

The biggest kicker would be the worldwide news that JJ Abrams would be directing Star Wars Episode VII. How cool is that? I am a huge “Lost” fan so I totally trust this dude. If he cranks up those metaphysical stuff in the Star Wars flick, I would be on cloud nine. I also liked his work on Super 8.

In short, it was a surreal, renewed Star Wars geek-out experience for me. (I haven’t mentioned about Jessica Mendoza yet but there’s too much Je Mendoza in this column already. That and I am still disappointed she has zero tweets on the JJ Abrams news.) I am totally sold on that Darth Vader helmet. My buddy Jomic even suggested the idea of buying a lightsaber. Dammit. Let’s do this. #YOLO

Will you please stop tweeting about me getting wet on every PBA championship? Bastos mo. How’d you like my fully covered, tamed interview on Talk N’ Text’s celebration, huh? Up yours.

-    Erika Padilla, Metro Manila

You started it yourself. Don’t blame me. But since you have redeemed yourself (or screwed it up, depending on how you see it) in the latest interview, I am going to stop the borderline malicious jokes. I think it was fitting that Talk N’ Text’s celebration was the – for the lack of a better term – classiest of your championship celebrations (a dude even put a towel on you) especially that they are coached by a classy dude named Norman Black.

It was awesome to witness Coach Black winning another title in the pros. The Black haters might be in total disgust/boredom right now because here he is winning another championship. However, his latest cup showed the completion of his fairy tale storyline in coaching.

He mentioned this in his final speech in Ateneo last year: Norman Black began with humble beginnings having grown up in Baltimore. He strived more because he understood what he lacked at. He kept on improving. Before he coached college basketball, Black already had a decorated career. For some people, it might feel that going down from the pro ranks was a sign of demotion.

For Coach Black, he saw it differently. He took it as a challenge and became much better from it. It was the perfect “emptying a cup to receive more blessings” storyline. With the imperfectness of college basketball, Norman Black improved his coaching style by getting more creative as he worked with the flaws and greenness of the players. After he delivered five consecutive championships for the Blue Eagles, Norman Black’s ascension to the Mt. Olympus of Philippine Professional Basketball took full bloom with the total shellacking by Talk N’ Text on the Rain Or Shine Elastopainters.

Now, he is a better coach than he was. How amazing is that?


If you were given a choice: Who would you pick? Your ideal celebrity crush (You Know Who) or your future wife?

-    Cupid, Hell (after I killed him for shooting arrows at my heart through the years)

This is easy. Of course, it is future wife. Yes, even if my future wife won’t even have the same awesome similarities my ideal celebrity crush has. There is a reason why one is a dream and one is real (well, as of now, both are still not real for me but that’s beside the point). You hope that what is real is near to your dream, but you still get perfectly happy with what is real. When Marshall and Lily made a point in the latest episode of HIMYM that when you get engaged, the only person you see in the bar is your significant other, it pretty much reinforced the idea why I should pick future wife.

It boils down on how both of you mesh. There is a reason why your celebrity crush is just a crush. Just a muse, it is distant to you. When Dad joked upon seeing Jessica Mendoza on TV and mocked me “uy yung GF ko yan ah,” (Dad, thanks for respecting celebrity crush dibs) Mom did not even flinch. Both my parents do this crush thing every now and then and they never cared if one was over-gushing. This is because – deep inside – they know that each other is #1 to their hearts no matter what happens. That’s true love. They love each other for whatever similarities and differences they have. It does not matter if one has flaws on certain departments (i.e., 6 on beauty, 8 on smarts, 5 on humor, the list goes on). If you unconditionally love someone, that someone becomes a perfect ten on all those departments. Or, if you really don't agree, well, at least that person is sufficient on those categories. Or, you can just throw the "stats" out of the window.

I don’t know when I will meet that person, but this is my definitive answer for this question. What’s real is what matters. Fake stuff is nothing. (*ahem* #teowing *ahem*)

For now, we can only dream. As Neil Gaiman wrote when he autographed my Sandman book eight years ago, dream on.

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