Saturday, December 31, 2011

Waiting: The Year's Bests

In 2011, waiting is winning. | Credit: NFL
“A million miles away
Your signal in the distance
Tto whom it may concern
I think I lost my way
Getting good at starting over
Every time that I return”

 – Foo Fighters from the song “Walk”

In 2010, what realization did I have in relation to the greater society?

All I can say is, what the hell happened? This year is already over?! I can still remember December last year when I was spending a vacation in Cebu and Bohol with my family. It seemed like one week ago. But as a guy who writes about sports and pop culture, I noticed that lots of events happened in the span of that one week. But it all seemed fast-paced. Do you know why?

I realized that our world got faster this year.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011

Let us all remember the reason why we are celebrating this special day. Merry Christmas, everyone!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Atlantan Fanalyst

It has been quite some time when I last wrote a full blog entry about my personal life. Ever since I went the sports/pop culture route in 2008, I have avoided writing about myself. This is because most people won’t get to relate with it or I might end up overblowing the story to the point that it becomes controversially misunderstood. The latter part is more forgivable if I am discussing current events as compared to talking about my personal life.

Also, I do not want to broadcast my personal life. I know that our writings reflect something about ourselves, but if you have been following my write-ups, you might have noticed that I put some spice to it – something that I won’t be doing normally.

Monday, December 12, 2011

No Music No Life 2011

December is the time of the year when we celebrate the year’s bests. It is like the performance review of the year’s top stories. As for me, I usually kick off the month by discussing my favorite songs in each month of the year. This year, my annual tradition continues.

I have to admit that 2011 is one of the weakest years (at least in my perspective) in music history. Rock music is as weak as ever while you have Super Bass or any Katy Perry song in the airwaves (I know… Katy is one of my guilty pleasure recording artists but it does not mean that she is exceptionally artistic). Throughout the year, I have around 1-3 months where I do not even have a favorite song. Heck, I would rather listen to a podcast than listen to songs. Yes, even if I have listened to that podcast previously.

Nevertheless, I am still going to discuss the notable songs of this year in a different manner as compared to previous years. There are still gems to be found.

More after the jump.