Monday, October 12, 2009

The Atenean Fanalyst's Introduction

I have been blogging for years, but it is just recently when I decided to have my own blog site. For those who already knew me, you must have read my write-ups in my Multiply site. There was already quite some time when I realized to create a Blogspot account but it never came into fruition. As most people know, Multiply is not meant for blogs. I started to become conscious of this when I had issues in inserting pictures. There was also a time when my cousin, Jomic, mentioned that he was having a difficulty reading the white text in the dark background. I thought of having a remedy on it by improving the Multiply site layout by my 100th journal entry.

However, I realized something when I was conceptualizing on my 100th write-up…

My writing evolved through the years. When I started blogging, it was just for my personal account on random stuff. I actually used journal writing for my daily rants then. It was intended for my friends only. However, I love analyzing sports so I began written dozens of UAAP and NBA stuff in the past two years. I always inject my personal experience in these but the themes have become more public-friendly. I have tackled topics like sports, music, TV shows and some excerpts on books (although I have not read that much lately). As a blog site would cater to a probable bigger audience and I would get the chance to have a new layout (for readers who get their eyes strained from reading my Multiply blogs), I decided to create a site dedicated to my blogging.

First step was to think of a blog website name. I tell you, it was definitely hard. Why did I feel the necessity to have one? As a sports fan, I grew up watching people give certain monickers to sports athletes. Reading the articles of Bill Simmons a.k.a. “The Sports Guy” just added to the cause – it motivated me to think of a monicker for myself. I asked the help from a handful of my friends in brainstorming for titles. I wanted the blog title to have a certain relevance or meaning to what I am going to write on. Several names were brought up like The J Spot, Awesome Bluesome, Pradohood, and Die Hard Blue. All of these left me dissatisfied until I came up with the term ‘fanalyst’. I am a fan of several sports teams, authors, artists and TV shows. My friends always remark that I am too analytical as well (from speculating, predicting or analyzing stuff mathematically) so combining the terms ‘fan’ and ‘analyst’ suit quite well with what I will be putting up in this blog site. Unfortunately, the term ‘fanalyst’ was already used in a blog and a TV show when I searched it via Google. I was already tired of thinking of blog titles for a week so I just thought of adding something to the term ‘fanalyst.’ I first thought of using ‘The Sports Fanalyst’ but I will just be primarily discussing on basketball and baseball. The scope was just too broad for me. This prompted me to have it ‘The Atenean Fanalyst.’ ‘Atenean’ refers to a person who studied in the Ateneo and that is pretty much who I am. The Ateneo Blue Eagles is my favorite sports team so that pretty much seals the deal.

Nevertheless, the blog title should not confuse you. You may see several Ateneo fan experiences in my recent blogs but this site is primarily intended for everything that I am a fan of. I will be writing about sports, music, books, TV shows, movies and games.

I was about to formally introduce this blog site to my friends two weeks ago. However, the Ondoy incident pretty much killed the timing. I felt that it was not appropriate to start something at the time of a disaster. I am a superstitious person so I decided to defer the official start. Fortunately, the Ateneo Blue Eagles recently won the UAAP 72nd Season Men’s Basketball Crown. This set up the perfect time for me to officially begin being The Atenean Fanalyst.

So there, I hope you would enjoy the content in this blog site. I will have to note that it will be biased to a certain extent because that is what being a fan is for. Nevertheless, I will try my best to inject my insights and analysis on every blog I write.

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