Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fantasy NBA version 2.009

Finally, it is fantasy NBA time again. Actually, most drafts have ended by now but it is never too late to give my analysis on my yearly head-to-head league. This is already quite delayed because I started the league late as I was too pre-occupied with the UAAP Finals which stretched to almost mid-October.

This year, we feature a different twist from that of last year’s. We had some rule changes and the biggest was the keeper rule. We could keep three players from last year provided that we skip the rounds when we these players were picked. We employed this rule so that those on the bottom can have a chance and so that the players are not fixated at their top three.

In this format, there were some huge benefits like Brook Lopez and Russell Westbrook at Round 14 (Wow! It’s like a free Lopez or Westbrook!) but all teams have theirs. Some teams use their Round 1 to keep their marquee players so that even if they ought to pick by Round 1 Pick 8, they still have Chris Paul (very sweet deal). All teams have their ‘keeper steals’ but as we all know, fantasy basketball is not just about having the best players, it’s about having the right mix.

Enough of the explanations. It is time for my analysis on each pick. You may agree or disagree but all are just opinions since at the end of the day, it’s the actual performance that matters.

As most of the best players were kept, you will see an abnormal 1st round where players that normally are taken in 2nd to 3rd rounds were picked in the 1st round. The draft is in snake format where the first pick in the first round was the last placed team last year. Keepers are with the * at the end of their names.

I decided not to post the name of my league mates but for everyone’s information, I am the pick # 1 in the odd rounds and the last pick in even rounds. Yeah, I was the last placed team last year because I stopped handling my team after I found out I was eliminated. I did not know that there were still eliminations happening. As to how I lost to the lower-tier teams, I do not have any idea.


1) Amare Stoudamire - Since I was 1st pick, it was logical not to keep my 1st rounder. Amare is the last of the 1st round talent on board so this is a sweet pick
2) Caron Butler* - Not a good keep for most people but Caron can have 1st round value as long as he is not injured.
3) Andre Iguodala – Love this pick. Good year for Iggy
4) Lebron James* - No-brainer
5) David West – Nice percentages but I think he could have been available in the next round.
6) Dirk Nowitzki*- I think it’s a great year for him. Dallas is running.
7) Rajon Rondo – I like this guy’s upside on rebounds and points. Pick was early, but it’s worth the risk.
8) Chris Paul* - Another no-brainer
9) Kevin Garnett – Finally, someone got KG.
10) Dywane Wade* - Another no-brainer as long as he stays healthy
11) Kobe Bryant* - Of the top 7, I think he is last but is still awesome nonetheless. No-brainer again.
12) Chris Bosh*- The best guy available at the start of the round was Amare so keeping Bosh was just right.


1) Dwight Howard* - strong keeper but I still hate him for his FT% and TO’s
2) Paul Pierce – I think RayRay is going to explode better.
3) Tim Duncan* - Decent keep.
4) Danny Granger* - More decent keep. That’s an understatement
5) Carlos Boozer – weird situation he is in. Wrong team but is on contract year.
6) Pau Gasol* - Strong keep.
7) Deron Williams* - Another strong keep. This is why we do not have that much choices in the 1st round.
8) Josh Smith – I like Smoove’s chances this year. I think he’ll bounce back.
9) Al Jefferson* - Here’s another good keep but he is currently injured. Uh oh…
10) Troy Murphy – Thank God, he was taken before me. I was having problems of choosing between him and my pick.
11) Steve Nash* - Great keep. Another bounce-back year because they are running again.
12) David Lee – had to choose between him and Jamison (I already knew about the latter’s injury). Looks like I made the right choice as of now.


1) Jose Calderon* - assists, threes, turnovers. I am still a Calderon fan.
2) Kevin Martin – love this pick. He is the only option so he will surely produce. There are health issue though.
3) Joe Johnson* - not high on him but it’s still a great keep.
4) Carmelo Anthony* - Points will get better
5) Kevin Durant* - Thievery!
6) Elton Brand – Mixed feelings on him. But it’s the 3rd round so I think this is all good.
7) Mo Williams – Very early. I don’t think he’ll improve with Shaq as a Cav.
8) Vince Carter – see Elton Brand
9) Baron Davis – see Vince Carter
10) Antawn Jamison – Still a solid pick even with the injury. Points, rebounds and threes. Love ‘em.
11) Andris Biedrins – Quite early but people love to get big men early
12) Tony Parker – San Antonio is pretty much loaded with options so fewer nights of being transcendent for Mr. Longoria.


1) Brandon Roy* - Thievery again!
2) Jason Kidd*- See Brandon Roy.
3) Andrew Bynum – Mixed feelings on this. Experts say he’ll have a big year but I am pessimistic on it.
4) Mehmet Okur – I think it’s quite early especially with the Millsap-Boozer situation.
5) LaMarcus Aldridge – Bad rebounds last year (7). I don’t see it improving.
6) Gerald Wallace* - I think he’ll have a better year this year.
7) Shawn Marion – possible steal because Dallas is running again.
8) Chauncey Billups* - too many thievery keeps.
9) Rashard Lewis – Good steal even if he is suspended. He will have fewer points but he is still Rashard.
10) Anthony Randolph – Good reach then but he is not going to start now. Uh oh…
11) Emeka Okafor – Another case of quite early pick. Big men are overrated.
12) Hedo Turkoglu – Bad reach by yours truly.


1) Jason Richardson – Good reach by yours truly. I think JRich will explode with the Suns’ run and gun game. Remember Golden State?
2) Kevin Love – OK reach then. But now that he is injured, definitely not.
3) Ray Allen – Nice steal. Remember, he is on a contract year.
4) Ben Gordon – he will produce points for sure.
5) Marcus Camby – somebody has to take him
6) Andrea Bargnani – Intriguing pick. I hate his rebounds though.
7) Al Horford – Good example of a good reach. I think he will improve this year.
8) Rudy Gay – Quite risky but the round is just right.
9) Stephen Jackson – Another risky pick. If he gets traded to the Cavs, this pick gets riskier.
10) Michael Redd – Strong pick. I think it’s his time to shine again.
11) Al Harrington – Two words: D’Antoni basketball
12) Eric Gordon – Still does not trust him. There are too many offensive options in slow-ball Dunleavy basketball. They have Baron, Griffin and Kaman there already.


1) Charlie Villanueva – I think he can be better as a Piston than when he was under Skiles
2) Jason Terry – Too many offensive options on Dallas but they will run so he will just be fine.
3) Devin Harris* - WOW!!!
4) OJ Mayo – Good steal in my opinion. Memphis loves Mayo and AI has not practiced yet. The only loser in there is the Memphis owner.
5) Boris Diaw – Nice pick. He can slightly improve. Love his assists.
6) TJ Ford – another good sleeper going to this year. Remember, no more Jarett Jack.
7) Jeff Green. He is a Jeff so he must be good. Just kidding! He is good for this pick. OKC is gonna roar this year!
8) Richard Jefferson – Five letters: R-E-A-C-H
9) Greg Oden – Two words: Excellent Reach
10) Manu Ginobili – Injury concerns me. With the addition of RJ, I don’t know if he is still for real.
11) Randy Foye – Three words: Absolutely a Reach
12) Spencer Hawes – Upside reach. This guy already showed that he shines without Brad Miller last year. Guess what, Brad Miller is not anymore in Sac town.


1) Mario Chalmers – I reached for this based on team needs. If he delivers just like last year, this is already worth a pick. 4.9 APG, 1.7 3PG, 2 SPG, 2.2 TOPG. Sweet statline.
2) Marc Gasol – Should have been his time to shine but Zach is in Tennessee… D’Oh!
3) Blake Griffin – Sweet pick. This kid will surely produce!
4) Mike Bibby – He is a reach but he always produces anyway.
5) Jamal Crawford – Wow! Back-to-back! Either Bibby or Crawford will shine. Or both will suck.
6) John Salmons – Strong pick here. If he duplicates his Sac assists, this is a steal.
7) Wilson Chandler – Awesome sleeper. Remember: D’Antoni Basketball
8) Allen Iverson – AI stated that he will be a team player this year. That doesn’t bode well fantasy-wise.
9) Andre Miller – He is coming off the bench in a squad with very few possessions. Also, Brandon Roy dominates the ball. Translation: I don’t want Andre Miller in my team.
10) Ron Artest – Decent pick. Whether or not LA wins the championship, I think Phil can put Artest in his place.
11) Thaddeus Young – I am searching for a time machine so that I can tell my past self that I should have picked Young instead of Hedo. Young can rebound, shoot threes, steal, block and Philly has no more Miller. How could have I missed that?
12) DJ Augustin – Love this pick. Strong sleeper especially when he starts.


1) Luol Deng – Quite early for an eighth rounder. Deng two years ago is different from Deng now.
2) Zach Randolph* - I just don’t trust this guy in real life. But he is just fine for 8th round.
3) Joakim Noah – Big year ahead.
4) Andrew Bogut – There are injury concerns but if he plays in the crucial stages, this is a steal.
5) Derrick Rose* - Another big year ahead. Expect more points and assists.
6) JR Smith – Last year’s playoffs indicated that JR can explode. Strong year ahead.
7) Michael Beasley – I was devastated after X picked him. I thought I could steal Beasley in the 9th.
8) Raymond Felton – Strong pick here. I love his assists, threes, steals combo.
9) Rasheed Wallace – Prolly the right time to pick him but I am happy I was not the one who picked him.
10) Leandro Barbosa* - nice keeper for 8th round. Expect a great year.
11) Kirk Hinrich – Not high on him this year.
12) Gilbert Arenas* - my own version of thievery. Absolute thievery.


1) Trevor Ariza – I think I stole Ariza here. His propensity to steal is just awesome. I will have to suffer the FG% scare though.
2) Nate Robinson – Awesome pick. I hate Nate as a player but fantasy-wise, he is great as long as you did not pick him for assists.
3) Ronnie Brewer – I thought I will get him by the tenth. Wishful thinking, Jeff… “Oh no! There you go! Looked away and missed the show…”
4) Ramon Sessions – Strong sleeper. I just don’t like the idea that Flynn starts over him.
5) Andrei Kirilenko – Great gamble in the 9th. Nothing to lose in this pick.
6) Josh Howard – See Andrei Kirilenko.
7) Rodney Stuckey – Steal if you are not searching for threes.
8) Chris Andersen – Reach but he is still a great block specialist.
9) Chris Kaman – Somebody has to do it.
10) Tyreke Evans – See Ronnie Brewer.
11) Mike Conley – See Chris Kaman.
12) Al Thornton – If I did not like Eric Gordon, what more on Al Thornton?!


1) Jermaine O' Neal – Injury prone. No thanks.
2) Grant Hill – Uncertain on this one.
3) Tayshaun Prince – Shouldn’t hurt you anywhere. Detroit won’t under-prioritize him either.
4) Richard Hamilton – Very good steal even if his status is uncertain.
5) Louis Williams – Love his potential but I doubt he will have great assist numbers.
6) Courtney Lee – I think he will still be the role player he was.
7) Monta Ellis* - Somebody call the police. There is thievery in here.
8) Jameer Nelson* - After catching the culprit in #7, proceed to #8.
9) Lamar Odom – The Candyman! Not high on him. He was not great last year and Bynum is expected to deliver this year, therefore don’t expect too much from Mr. Kardashian.
10) Corey Magette – Reports say he will start. Thus, this is a good pick.
11) Luis Scola* - Too many robberies in the tenth round.
12) Shaquille O' Neal – First time for me to draft Shaq. Great steal for me.


1) Shane Battier – He can have better numbers as T-Mac is out.
2) Yi Jianlian – Will he, won’t he?
3) Paul Millsap* - Nice keeper.
4) Brandon Jennings – Milwaukee’s scoring is a huge ? except for Redd.
5) Kendrick Perkins – even with the addition of Sheed, this is a good pick if you want blocks
6) Tyson Chandler – Scoring will go down but defensive stats should be the same.
7) Roy Hibbert – Awesome pick! But I think he will battle with consistency.
8) Nene Hilario*- Even with past injury concerns, Nene is still worth the risk.
9) Yao Ming – This was intentional for next year’s keeper purposes
10) Aaron Brooks – Great steal! If only he had great FG%’s, he would have placed better.
11) Anthony Morrow – Is he going to start? It doesn’t matter! I just don’t trust Nellie in fantasy.
12) Anthony Parker – Don’t expect too much from him as a Cav.


1) Channing Frye – Loved this pick! I know that he was a disappointment historically but Frye is now on the right team.
2) Delonte West – Any time you can pick someone who brings guns, you just have to do it…NOT!
3) Jonny Flynn – Great pick but I think Sessions will shine fantasy-wise.
4) Tracy McGrady – See Yao Ming.
5) Marvin Williams – Last year, he disappointed. If he doesn’t shine this year, always avoid him.
6) Ryan Gomes. No Kevin Love means that Ryan Gomes will shine…oh wait, did he shine before? Uh oh…
7) Mike Dunleavy – See Yao Ming and Tmac.
8) Chris Duhon – I like this pick. This guy gets tons of assists.
9) Marreese Speights – Great pick but will he have the playing time?
10) Brendan Haywood – D’Oh! I wanted this guy on my squad.
11) Rudy Fernandez - Acting-wise, sure. But I don’t like his chances as a basketball player.
12) Hakim Warrick – Gamble for me since Milwaukee have few options.


1) Brandon Rush – Nice steal. Rush is gonna hit from downtown. If you are not down with it, check his stats before the end of last year
2) Brad Miller - No Comment.
3) Luke Ridnour – He can still get the starting gig.
4) James Harden – Great Kleeper (Keeper + Sleeper)
5) Kenyon Martin – Injury issues but it’s the 13th round. I still don’t like him because he has no more upside.
6) Andres Nocioni – Boom or bust pick.
7) Brandon Bass – Magic is loaded so I think this is a bad pick.
8) Julian Wright – Is he for real? He’ll get starting gig, though.
9) Stephen Curry – Intriguing keeper but I do not like him because there are too many wingmen.
10) Samuel Dalembert – Speights is giving him headaches.
11) Peja Stojakovic – I don’t like this pick but as long as he shoots from downtown, he is worth it.
12) Kelenna Azubuike – See Stephen Curry.


1) Chris Douglas-Roberts – Damn! I wanted him as my last pick but he will most probably come off the bench so I am not sure if he will shine.
2) Carlos Delfino – I do not like this pick at all.
3) Mike Miller – Nice pick at 14th round. Very much worth it despite the time-share.
4) Tyrus Thomas* - Very inconsistent for my taste but hey it’s the 14th round!
5) Anderson Varejao – Shaq will eat his points but he will start so it’s worth the risk.
6) Brook Lopez* - Super WOW! WOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!
7) Beno Udrih – Garcia’s injury helps but after that, nevermind.
8) Ronny Turiaf – Strong block specialist so I love this pick.
9) Drew Gooden – Too many options in Dallas. This guy sucks in defending as well
10) Udonis Haslem – Very nice steal. He is solid and should produce a near double-double
11) Zydrunas Ilgauskas – His production strongly depends on Shaq’s minutes.
12) Russell Westbrook* - See Brook Lopez.


1) Carl Landry – If Battier and Ariza won’t shine, I hope Landry does. He has great potential.
2) Jamario Moon – Getting strong production from him is like shooting for the moon.
3) Kyle Lowry – Backup PG but he still has upside.
4) Joel Przybilla – If Oden experiment does not work, this is a steal.
5) Hasheem Thabeet – Darko v 2.0
6) Terrence Williams – is most probably worse than Moon even if he might start.
7) DeJuan Blair – If he gets sufficient playing time, then this pick rocks.
8) Andray Blatche – Repeat after me: Jamison is out for 3-5 weeks.
9) Jason Thompson* - Very good steal in the 15th round.
10) Darko Milicic – Hasheem Thabeet beta
11) Matt Barnes – Repeat after me: Magic has too many offensive options.
12) Jarrett Jack – Strong last pick. He has proven that he will produce even if he comes off the bench.

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