Monday, November 2, 2009

Week 1 Fantasy Buzz(kill)

(For non-fantasy NBA fans, you can just read my final paragraphs. At least you will be able to relate with it.)

The 2009-10 NBA Season has begun. My fantasy drafts finished just right before the new season started and I got a bunch of awesome and awful picks. Finally, the new NBA Season has arrived to validate how superb my fantasy NBA expertise is. Last Wednesday morning (in Manila), I got to watch my Cavs battle the Celtics and my Fantasy NBA players exhibit their hoops skills. At the end of the day, the Cavs suck and so did my sleeper picks. So much for my ‘fantasy NBA expertise.’ I spent the next days more on regretting why I passed on some players more than celebrating Agent Zero’s fantastic return.

Suddenly, Week 1 is about to end.

For the record, I was drunk when I wrote my recent Fantasy NBA article and I removed the owner names in there to have no biases (except on my picks since I know my picks!) However, I will most probably have the same opinions on the picks anyway (whether or not I am intoxicated). I heavily criticized some players but they proved me wrong in most cases this week. As I mentioned last week, it’s the actual results that matter.

These Players Made Me Eat My Words

Eric Gordon (LAC). I commented that this guy will have less opportunities to score with too many offensive options around. I still have the ‘Blake Griffin is not around’ alibi but we must note that the Clips currently have an offensive giant in Chris Kaman so we know with or without Blake, Gordon is going to get his points. I never visualized Baron to suck in scoring this badly as well.

At least, I got it right on Al Thornton. Haha!

TJ Ford (Ind). Yes, TJ is on this list not because I said he sucked. I even stated that he is a good sleeper this year. Ford (or more of his coach) made me eat my words when TJ just had 21 minutes per game so far and has only accumulated ten points, four rebounds, three assists, two steals, one block and two turnovers in two games. I did not pick him in my other drafts but he is my keeper in my 18-team 8-player keeper league.

Blake Griffin (LAC). I got him in two of my other leagues. Well, we all know what happened to him.

Jermaine O’ Neal (Mia). Nobody saw the 20-point 10-rebound statlines coming. He is suddenly like the JO of old times. I am not sold on him because of his injury history but he is an absolute steal to whoever drafted him.

Chris Douglas-Roberts (NJ). CD-R proved me wrong more than once. 1) He is a starter. 2) He is not the awesome sleeper that I thought he was. Nevertheless, he made it up awhile ago with his 25-point performance.

Terrence Williams (NJ). Is most probably worse than Moon?! This rookie shined a lot in his debut, Jeff!

Brandon Rush (Ind). So much for me being too confident for this guy. Dude has been benched a lot. O’Brien is fantasy buzzkilling me this season. Grrr!!!

I Told Ya So!

Ever since 2007, I have been blogging about Fantasy NBA and I have noted some of my favorite draft-day picks that would shine in the season. In 2007, it was Caron Butler as he climbed up to Top 5 status before Tough Juice went down. With all the raves I had in this year’s Fantasy Draft, I have some Caron Butler picks.

Josh Smith (Atl). I reached for him in second rounds of my two drafts and I was happy I did it. Smoove is back swatting those shots and crashing the boards.

Al Horford (Atl). I stated he was a good reach. His current averages: 17 PPG, 53.6% FG, 80% FT, 14 RPG, 2 APG, 1 TOPG, 3.5 BPG. A-W-E-S-O-M-E-!-!-!

Andre Miller (Por). I did not say he will be good. I said he will be bad. Coming off the bench in a team that has few possessions really does not help for this veteran PG.

Michael Beasley (Mia). To all the Beasley haters, told ya so! This kid is just primed to shine with or without the controversies. Miami’s choice of not doing anything in the offseason just meant one thing: Beasley will shine. Wade cannot score all the time, folks!

Caron Butler of the Week: Trevor Ariza (Hou). Several pundits hated him in a fantasy standpoint. However, he has proved them wrong in terms of scoring (23.3 PPG, 50% FG) and shooting it from downtown (3.7 3’s per game). Unfortunately for me, I drafted him for his low turnovers. This week, he has damaged me with 4 turnovers per game. Ouch!

For a ninth rounder in a head-to-head league, Ariza’s stats are awesome.

FYI, I am losing 4-5 this week. LOL.

Other Notes

When I was watching the 2009 NBA Draft, the next awesome fantasy player that I had in mind after Griffin and Rubio was Stephen Curry. Unfortunately, he was drafted by Don Nelson’s Warriors. Everybody loves their fast-paced style but some fantasy owners (including me) avoid the Warriors because of Nellie’s propensity to over-shuffle his rotations. There is no safe assurance in his team even for Biedrins owners. Thus, I thought that Curry was not fantasy-worthy this year. Guess what, kid proved me wrong by playing 30++ minutes per game and having noteworthy stats in his first games. There is really a huge reason why New York fans heavily booed Golden State after the latter picked Curry.

I went in a mental lapse when I was picking in my 18-team 8-keeper league when I chose the promising James Harden over preseason favorites Brandon Rush and Roy Hibbert. It was because he had ‘keeper’ written all over his name. I forgot that my lineup is already filled with promising keepers and I should be targeting to win than to rebuild. After a week, Harden did have limited playing time but I somehow felt glad I went by my instincts. Rush and Hibbert are struggling this early. I know Harden will get his time to shine. He is not the 3rd pick for nothing.

Ending Message for both non-fantasy NBA and fantasy NBA fans

Last weekend, I started to crave for more of Grey’s Anatomy after I finished watching their last two episodes. This put me to a depressing ‘I am craving to watch a US TV show’ last Sunday. Unfortunately, I have watched all the latest episodes. When Tuesday came, I hurriedly searched for new shows to be available for download. I got disappointed because there was no new ‘How I Met Your Mother’ episode and the only episode I could download was Heroes. As I stated it in Twitter, ‘that crappy show’ was all I could download. It was because I suddenly realized that I watch it for the sake of watching it. I also realized that I watch it because there are some hot chicks in the show (oh wait… they already killed them, right?!) OK, I find Ali Larter sexy and Hayden Panettiere as ‘suddenly passable because they killed too many chicks that I have to settle for her.’ Thus, it was the time Heroes hit the ‘this is a crappy show’ meter.

I have to admit that I am a bit shallow when watching TV shows because one of the enticing factors is viewing beautiful actresses in it. That is normal in the start as I had similar experiences on Lost, Grey’s Anatomy and Prison Break. But, if that remains as the only reason why I watch the show after some seasons, then the show must be terrible. Grey’s Anatomy has the most number of hot chicks in the recent shows that I watch but I do not even care if they existed now (heck, Katherine Heigl just left the show) because I know that the show is going to be great with or without them. Listening to Paramore’s latest album just builds up my theory as I am not that fascinated in Hayley’s external beauty anymore but I am loving their music more than ever because it is awesome as it is.

I just remembered something I heard in a show before: If the only positive comment that people give you is “you are beautiful”, then you are in deep trouble. Beauty is just for starters. In the end, the substance matters more.

What I just wrote might be so cliché-ish but sometimes I just have to get a better realization of the obvious to further appreciate it.

Will I still watch Heroes? Probably. Will I care on how the show is? Definitely, NO.

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