Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Escapist's Redemption

For those who follow my Multiply blog, I wrote about how depressing it was to have a writer’s block last Thursday night. For various reasons, I was not in a happy mood. Struggling to express myself just made it worse.

It is a boring Friday night at home. Yes, I am not outside in the malls or bars like most yuppies do but that’s my personal sacrifice to discipline myself from spending (for those who know me, I am already disciplined in spending – no sarcasm here – as I am what you can call kuripot). I am sitting comfortably in our living room viewing Veronica Mars. I called it quits after two episodes as I do not want to watch too much lazy, sunny San Diego scenes. I do not know the exact reason but I just do not have the motivation to watch San Diego sceneries as much as I get intoxicated with the sophisticated skyline of New York in TV or films. Do not get me wrong, I like watching Veronica Mars.

I decided to re-watch the latest How I Met Your Mother episode (the one with Jenkins). I had a few laughs but it soon ended as it is just a twenty minute episode. 9:30 PM. I am thinking of burning more time. Should I watch Californication? But uhmm… there are just three episodes left and Season 2 download has not yet passed 50%. I thought of saving it for some other time. 30 Rock? Not in the mood. Despite the numerous unwatched TV episodes in my Downloads folder, I decided not to watch any TV series episode for the rest of the night. Tonight should be Friday movie night. However, I felt depressed just like last Thursday because I found out that I barely have any unwatched movie in my Downloads folder. The movies that I had were files that I want to keep just in case I want to re-watch them - phenomenal films like (500) Days of Summer, The Godfather, Up In The Air, Inglourious Basterds and The Dark Knight.

I am so not into the mood for anything lately.

Suddenly, I saw The Shawshank Redemption avi file. I was hesitant to watch it because I want to save it for a special movie night (something like watching it with my parents) but I decided, what the heck…if it’s going to be great, I will re-watch it with them. I did it with The Blind Side so it is very possible if ever. I was just hoping that the flick is going to entice me or else I will be wasting a Friday night snoozing. It is just too easy for me to give up on anything recently.

The movie started with a potential crime scene that alternates with courtroom drama. Despite its great screenplay, I was thinking to myself: uh oh… this is a recipe for disaster. I am going to fall asleep if this courtroom thing stretches out to the whole film. Fortunately, it did not. Unfortunately, the next scene showed a prison background. Sheesh… it is like replacing piss with crap. However, there was a saving grace: I can endure prison movies. I loved The Green Mile so I think there is a light at the end of this dark prison cell. When I wished the movie not to be a lengthy courtroom thing, I got what I wanted but when it was about the prison, well... 90% of the movie was in the prison. However, all my initial notions that this movie is going to disappoint were shattered. By the time the credits rolled, I was applauding and agreeing that this film deserves to be voted #1 in IMDB.

[Potential Spoilers start here]

The scarcity of great expectations could have driven me to easily like the movie. Maybe not. I may have been critical of movie plots recently but The Shawshank Redemption’s simple plot was enough to get my approval. It was simple but it got through its point. It had some memorable and predictable plot twists (we will get to that later) but all in all, the story was neatly put so that an average viewer can easily relate to it while a critic will rarely find a loophole.

The Shawshank Redemption is about the story of a wrongly convicted banker who changed the Shawshank Prison landscape by educating his prison mates and exposing the corruption of the leaders in it. Actually, this is a wrong summary as it just did not revolve around the banker – there were also mini stories from the other jail mates. Nevertheless, the general mood of the story is inspiring (we will get to that later).

Feel good stories are normal to Hollywood movies. What makes The Shawshank Redemption different?

The Shawshank Redemption has a great share of memorable quotes. These are very important in movies because films just get to show the story in two hours’ time while novels have 400-700 pages for such great dialogue. My favorite would have to be Andy’s quote about playing the music for the prisoners to hear:

Jail Mate: Is it worth it? Two weeks in the Hall?
Andy: Easiest time I ever did.
Jail Mate: Bullshit…A week in the Hall is like a year
Andy: I missed the Mozart to keep me company
Inmate: So they let you take the record player down there?
Andy: It’s in here (points to his head). In here (points to his heart). That’s the beauty of music. They can’t get that from you. Haven’t you felt that way about music?

Andy: …there are places in the world that are not made out of stone. There’s something inside that they can’t get to it. That they can’t touch. It’s yours.
Red: What are you talking about?
Andy: Hope.
Red: Hope. Let me tell you something my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can make a man insane. It’s got no use on this side. You better get used to that idea.
Andy: Like Brooks did?

The Shawshank Redemption’s cast is also stellar. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman shine as the protagonists, while Bob Gunton and Clancy Brown were exceptional by being badass yet not 100% hate-able. In real life, antagonists are not supposed to be 100% black anyway. It is always about shades of gray. I don’t think anyone can pull off Morgan Freeman’s character.

The plot twists were also remarkable. If you are keen with foreshadowing, you will like the way Andy had his prison break plan. It was well done because prison breaks are supposed to be secret so the way it was pulled off made it realistic. Brooks’ depressing life outside the cell was also notable as it added perspective to the story. I easily predicted the outcome of the last scene though but when I analyzed it, that is just the only way the story could have ended. Red lived his life in the prison so money is not of any use for him. He needs a companion – something that Brooks did not have. Andy was sensible enough to understand that Red would still suffer post-prison life even if he receive a bounty of cash.

Cinematography and screenplay were superb as well. The library and music scenes made me empathize much easier with the inmates as they begin to appreciate the beauty of life. The music was great as well.

However, all of these are trumped by one special thing: The Shawshank Redemption is an inspiring tale. I always love to watch feel-good movies whenever I feel sad or empty. The Shawshank Redemption delivers in this regard by making me forget all of the unfortunate events I have had lately. The movie is about finding hope no matter how terrible the situation is. It is about appreciating the beauty of life amidst one’s current limitations. It is not just for prisoners or our empathy for them. Shawshank Prison actually symbolizes the struggles, hindrances and obstacles in our daily lives. Andy’s approach inspires us to find a way to enjoy in the status quo of our problems (by establishing a library) or to break away from it by risking (prison break scene). Brooks and Red epitomizes those who have learned to accept and live with the routines of their problems. They have gone accustomed to it that staying away from it would make them largely uncomfortable. The Shawshank Redemption enlightens us with these perspectives.

The story was not too simple after all.

As for me, it was a good dose of escapist entertainment. Moreso, it was a great dose of perspective in life. Sometimes, you have to risk. Sometimes, you have to move out of your routine. No guts, no glory.

There are actually some other things that I can get from the movie’s story but I will limit my discussion to the life inspiration this film brings.

By the way, this movie destroyed all the awesomeness of Prison Break Season 1. It became a total rip-off. It does not matter that much now since I enjoyed both worlds.

Overall Verdict: This is very easy. Perfect 10/10. It deserves its #1 spot in IMDB. I am not sure if it is the best movie for me but it is in my top ten of all time.

“Hope is a good thing…maybe, the best of things. And, no good thing ever dies.” – Andy Dufresne

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