Wednesday, April 21, 2010


More than a month ago (after Lacey Brown was eliminated in the Top Twelve), I tweeted about Tim Urban of American Idol. I was wondering what is the over/under for Tim Urban’s elimination. I made a guess at Top Seven and I picked the over (meaning, I predicted that Tim will go farther than Top 7). At that time, I was wondering if I made a crazy guess – Tim was obviously the weakest link then. It is fun to make crazy predictions as such and you know what? It is very possible right now. We are now at the Top 7 of American Idol and Tim has been picking a lot of momentum lately.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The American Idol Retro Diary

Lennon/McCartney Week. This is one of my favorite theme weeks (dating back to Season 7) where it has produced a good number of American Idol classic renditions such as Brooke White’s Let It Be (my most played American Idol mp3 in my iPod), David Cook’s Eleanor Rigby and David Archuleta’s Imagine. This week is also the perfect time to write about a retro diary on American Idol. Since Bill Simmons – despite the fact that he has talked about American Idol for two to three times in his podcasts – never writes an American Idol retro diary, I thought of making one instead.

Yes, this is the American Idol blog that I was mentioning last week. Let’s see if I can pull this off. I have the time to do it (holiday today) and this is the theme where I know almost all the songs. Perfect. Oh wait, this is the week after Didi got eliminated! Argh! I thought that this week is a perfect fit for her just like the Mariah Week fitted Ramiele in Season 7. Let’s stop crying over spilled milk shall we?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Duke Against The World

A month ago, I can still remember when I was picking the teams for my NCAA March Madness bracket. I have not done it before and I have no clue on how good more than half the league was. I can still remember Ted Mosby and Marshall Eriksen of How I Met Your Mother failing terribly in their March Madness brackets despite of hours of research. The same goes to Bill Simmons as he has failed miserably last year.

Am I going to make my bracket for the sake of doing it?

Monday, April 5, 2010

R.I.P. American Idol

…And say hello to America’s Cutest Guy Featuring Siobhan and Crystal. I initially have no plans to blog about American Idol (as mentioned in my previous journal entry) but it feels bad not to write a sendoff writeup to Didi Benami since she is one of my favorite contestants this year. I hastily finished my power rankings prior to elimination night last week so I was not able to write about Didi’s exit in there.

NOTE: This blog is not about Didi Benami only.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

R&B/Soul Week Power Rankings

This is a mini-blog entry to state this week’s American Idol power rankings. I am doing this for the sake of staying consistent on providing power rankings per week. I really have no plans of spicing up the power rankings for this week though as I have other big blog topics in mind (i.e., Shawn Michaels’ retirement and NCAA March Madness – Oh yeah! I beat Obama’s bracket!). Also in a Crystal Bowersox kind of way, I have bigger plans for American Idol blogging next week. I hope I can pull it off like she did it this week.