Thursday, April 1, 2010

R&B/Soul Week Power Rankings

This is a mini-blog entry to state this week’s American Idol power rankings. I am doing this for the sake of staying consistent on providing power rankings per week. I really have no plans of spicing up the power rankings for this week though as I have other big blog topics in mind (i.e., Shawn Michaels’ retirement and NCAA March Madness – Oh yeah! I beat Obama’s bracket!). Also in a Crystal Bowersox kind of way, I have bigger plans for American Idol blogging next week. I hope I can pull it off like she did it this week.

That being said, I am making a short blog post about the power rankings because I am observing the Holy Week. I do not want to make people laugh or post sarcastic remarks on contestants during this sacred week.

R&B/Soul week was actually great. The boys were so much better than the girls this week. Tough week for Siobhan/Didi fans like me, but at least I got entertained. Suddenly, I am thinking that I made the wrong rankings in the Kris Allen route blog entry. Lee DeWyze should be #1 on it after this week’s performance but since he was slightly overpimped, he suddenly looks like a frontrunner now.

By the way, I liked Ellen Degeneres' reference on the drinking game. Hey, I blogged about it two weeks ago. Awesome! Unfortunately, I did not put 'adorable' in the magic words of my drinking game rules.

Anyway, here are my power rankings:

On-the-cusp: Didi Benami. Didi is like your “basura” stock – if you invested on her, you know that it will be high risk and high reward. She is the most volatile contestant in the power rankings as she goes as high as # 1 and she disappears after two weeks. Guess what, I am starting to lose my faith on her. You can’t go the Kris Allen route if you are tanking two straight weeks. Nevertheless, I still felt bad for her when every negative criticism was thrown at her while Aaron Kelly – the judges’ darling – gets praised for a mediocre snoozefest of a performance. I am officially booting that kid out of my Kris Allen list as Aaron has been too pimped than his actual talent is. Also, Kris Allen’s Ain’t No Sunshine is incredibly better than Aaron’s.

5. Michael Lynche. Two decent weeks for the big guy. It was a heartfelt and honest performance from him this week. It would be hard for him to topple the next two guys in this list but his jump to the top five is telling.
4. Casey James. Another solid week for the Texan rocker. He still looks awkward whenever he stands still with his electric guitar and his overdone cheesy smiles. Nevertheless, his vocal talent is still great. Blues week was a piece of cake for him.
3. Lee DeWyze. BAM! Very solid performance. I am not sure if it is his best (as he shouted at several times) but it was one step at the right direction. This guy is this year’s Daughtry/Cook. He should do more rock than Taylor Hicks types of songs.
2. Siobhan Magnus. Disappointing week for the Barnstable Girl. Thanks to the judges for giving her constructive criticism (I blogged about it last week – be careful what you wish for). Simon called it right when he said that he is tired of the screaming at the end. We want the Siobhan of The House of Rising Sun! However, Idol milked on Siobhan’s mediocre performance too much that it became too mean already.
1. Crystal Bowersox. Not even close. I was hoping to do a Kara DioGuardi by stating “Siobhan, welcome back to the # 1” this week but it did not happen. Crystal just proved her case more. She is the crystal clear 100% frontrunner now. It would take Siobhan two excellent (and better) weeks to topple Crystal from this spot. Why? Because Crystal pulled off the much-anticipated surprise this week. Not only did she set her guitar aside, she also made the best performance of the night. I expected before that she might look awkward without her guitar but she actually had a believable gig with just the microphone. Crystal’s odds of winning the competition got bigger this week as we got to see her other side (and she pulled it off unlike Didi when she tries to risk on other styles). OK, I am starting to become like Simon Cowell with the praising on Crystal. Nevertheless, I expect Crystal in the #1 spot next week unless she gets voted off and not saved (which has 0% chance of happening) or she totally tanks (which is near to 0% chance as well).

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