Wednesday, November 17, 2010

8 Random Thoughts on NU 107, NBA, HIMYM and Friday Night Lights

NU 107 will forever be missed. Credit: NU 107
“And when it rains
On this side of town, it touches everything
Just say it again and mean it
It don’t miss a thing…”
-    Paramore from the song entitled “When It Rains”

Here is my latest edition of the eight random thoughts to tackle on the not-so-latest topics. Before I will cut this introduction short, I will just inform you that I cut this blog into two parts: first part is for the non-spoiler section while the other part would be about the spoiler section (which means it is about TV shows. That is, in case you are behind or you plan to watch “Mad Men,” “How I Met Your Mother” and “Friday Night Lights”)

Random Thought # 1: Any thoughts on NU 107’s abrupt ending?

I never saw it coming. I thought that NU 107.5 had that strong grasp on its niche market. I thought that it was a radio station that could last long. However, how am I supposed to know? It is not like it is my most listened to radio station these days. Save for “Halikinu Radio” and the moments when I was driving on weekends without my iPod Touch, I was not really listening to the station anymore. I am a guilty fan. I stopped listening to NU 107 on a frequent basis since last year.

However, that does not take away all the years I listened to this rock station. Since high school days, I listened to NU 107. I witnessed the evolution of rock mainstream from nu metal to emo by tuning to NU 107. When I rode Dad’s car, I made sure that one of the preset stations was NU 107. After all, it appealed to my favorite genre (rock). The station featured underground music that rock elitists (like I used to be) would love to add to their playlists. For a decade, listening to NU 107 was part of my lifestyle.

If there is a radio station that will play Smashing Pumpkins’ “Today,” that would be NU. Heck, I learned of the long version of Smashing Pumpkins’ “Drown” when it was played there. Waiting for NU 107’s new songs every week was part of my habit. I was ecstatic when Paramore’s “That’s What You Get” was added to it. Speaking of Paramore, NU 107 was responsible in enticing me to get interested with their songs.

Before singles become hits in MTV, I already loved listening to them on NU 107. Off the top of my mind, here is the list of songs that were first played in NU 107 before I learned them from other media: Smashing Pumpkins – Tarantula, Paramore – Decode, Foo Fighters – Long Road to Ruin, MGMT – Electric Feel, Alicia Keys and Jack White – Another Way To Die, and Snow Patrol – Signal Fire.

Just like Jessica, Monica is a hot DJ. Credit: Myx
I will miss those times. I will miss the times when I listened to DJ Monica’s mesmerizing voice as she played the songs that I like. (I admit it, NU 107 seldom plays my favorite songs because of the wide variety that they showcase, but DJ Monica always played to my taste.) Oh well… at least, Jessica Mendoza of Magic 89.9 is turning to be like NU’s DJ Monica when it comes to song choices (Dammit, Jessica. Why do you have to be this awesome?) I will miss the times when Ateneans have a good laugh in “Halikinu Radio.” I will miss the funny rants about F1 and car specs in “Counterflow.”

But, the biggest loss that I am going to have now that NU 107 is gone?

Last Sunday, I paid tribute to NU 107 by setting aside my iPod Touch. I listened to the station for its last night on air. “In the Raw” was on and they featured one of the best Filipino bands in the past decade – Urbandub. In their brief interview, they said that without NU, they would not be in the position they are in now. Previously, NU 107 also had Rico Blanco saying the same thing. NU 107 does not only provide music to its rocker audience, it also gives a venue for aspiring musicians to showcase their talent. OK, some radio stations might have that, but NU 107 was more responsible in inspiring and influencing the talented rock musicians that we have in the past years. I am aware that there is the Internet and life goes on, but we are surely going to miss the exposure and richness of rock music that NU 107 brought to its audience. (Even if Jam 88.3 is a good alternative, I think it will still be different.)

It is sad. It is an end of an era. Either way, thank you, NU 107!

“…And oh, oh, how could you do it?
Oh I, I never saw it coming
Oh, oh, I need the ending
So why can’t you stay just long enough to explain?..”

Random Thought #2: The freaking NBA Season has already started and there’s still no blog entry on LeBron James and “The Decision.”

"The Decision". Credit: Huffington Post
I actually planned to write about this before, but I did not have the time to. LeBron delivered his decision on the middle of my study month for my SAP Certification. After that, the UAAP Season was reaching its climax. Then, “Mad Men” Season 4 became the best TV season ever. That brings us to the present time.

So, what’s my stand on LeBron James? Before I tackle that, let’s go back to “The Decision.”

July 9, 2010. I turned on my TV to watch “The Decision.” As a LeBron fan for a very long time, I was excited. I wanted LeBron to team up with Derrick Rose and the Chicago Bulls. In that way, he can have a shot at being the greatest of all-time. If not, staying in Cleveland was the other good option. Joining the Knicks would be downright stupid while leaving for Miami was… wait for it… then CNN suddenly flashed LeBron’s decision. He is going to Miami. They zoomed in to celebrating Miami fans in a bar. My reaction?


I stared at my TV screen for thirty minutes. I could not believe how LeBron shattered his legacy by teaming up with his supposed rival, Dwyane Wade. Even if there was major buzz on it hours before, I was hoping for LeBron to change his mind and join another team other than Miami. Look, I actually like Dwyane Wade. I rooted for the Miami Heat in the 2006 Finals. But in a weird way, “The Decision” made me dislike the two superstars I once idolized. Yup, with just one statement: “I am taking my talents to South Beach.”

It took only one statement. I was watching a lot of “The Office” during those times and I used to cringe a lot from Michael Scott’s insensitive remarks. But, LeBron’s remark was a thousand times cringe-worthy (LeBron can replace Steve Carell in “The Office” after this season). LeBron settled for the easy way out. I was sadly nodding at Chris Webber’s analysis that LeBron was giving away his opportunity of being the greatest of all time.

It took me a month to contemplate if I was going to continue to be LeBron’s fan. After all, my emotions might have just gone high when he delivered his decision. I needed a clearer mind. When I cheered for the Cavs the previous years, I was rooting for LeBron more than the city of Cleveland. I could easily jump ship to Miami without being called a bandwagon fan. Furthermore, I will most likely experience the first NBA championship from a favorite team if I chose to root for the Heat. There were also minor things that could sway me to side with LeBron like: “Look, he chose to join his friends. LeBron is a good bro.” There were several factors but here were my major points:

•    I am not mad at LeBron for leaving Cleveland. I am frustrated on how he did it (yup, even if he chose Chicago instead of Miami… but the pros would outweigh the cons with that decision). Cleveland does not own LeBron and he can choose where he wants to go. I know that he failed to give Cleveland the elusive championship, but with their current team, it was really hopeless.

•    As much as I feel bad for the city of Cleveland, I find the LeBron hatred excessive and overdone. It’s not like the guy cheated, murdered or raped someone. Yes, it was a major douchebag move but no one gets better when you hate. It just comes off as bitter. The classy way is to move on.

•    LeBron chose the easy way out. The main reason why I idolized him was the fact that he was the ideal athlete to be the greatest of all-time. “The Decision” pretty much erased that.

•    LeBron followed his douchebag decision with several douchebag actions. From his tweets to the newspaper ad, LeBron was a trainwreck in the offseason. At one point, I wished the summer ended as soon as possible for LeBron so that he could shut the hell up before he caused further PR damage.

•    I still believed that Chicago was the better team for LeBron if he wanted the rings. Rose has no problems of letting LeBron be the alpha dog. Noah is a very good defender and they still had another space for a max contract.

With these pros and cons, I realized that the biggest point for me was the third one. LeBron’s positive qualities were the reasons I rooted for him. You may ask, what happened to ‘sticking through him with his negative qualities?’ What he did was still a douchebag move. I do not want to root for a douche. If he ends up winning rings, I do not care.

However, even if I am not rooting for LeBron anymore, it does not mean that I will totally hate him. I still think that KG and Paul Pierce are bigger douchebags than Miami’s Big Three.  I will mostly stay neutral to Miami (although I will poke “Miami was the worse decision” jokes from time to time).

“…And when it rains
Will you always find an escape?
Just running away
From all of the ones who love you…”

Random Thought# 3: Which team will I root for?

Credit: ESPN
Even before I rooted for LeBron, I was, am and will always be a Utah Jazz fan. I have stuck with them through the years so I might as well stick with them now. I know that it would be very hard for them to win a championship even with the latest addition of Al Jefferson. I may have walked away from a sure championship by not rooting for Miami, but it’s not all about winning anyway.

Speaking of Utah, it was awesome to see them come back from huge deficits this past week. First, it was against the Clippers. I was initially frustrated when I saw the Clippers leading that game by a ton of points early on. I even tweeted my disappointment. Of course, it was meant to be a reverse jinx. Either way, a W is a W. Then, I expected some more losses with back-to-back games against the Florida-based teams. Instead, Utah rallied against Miami, Orlando, Atlanta and Charlotte. This has got to be one of the most amazing comeback sweeps by a road team in recent memory.

Borrowing “Friday Night Lights” slogan: Clear Eyes. Full Hearts. Can’t Lose!

Random Thought #4: Any quick thoughts on Pacquiao?

Credit: Sports Illustrated
Legen… wait for it…dary. Manny is legendary. Dubbed as this generation’s Muhammad Ali, the world is watching for Pacquiao. Never mind the haters. Pacquiao proved again why he belongs in the pantheon of best boxers ever. He fought relentlessly by scoring a flurry of punches on Margarito recently. His performance was transcendental. Yes, he was unable to knock Margarito out but it was crystal clear that Manny Pacquiao dominated the match.

But the best thing from Pacquiao? He was a class act. Instead of beating the severely disfigured face of Margarito into a pulp as the match still continued without a TKO, Manny chose to take it easy at his foe. After all, he is already winning. Say what you want about Mayweather being a better boxer than Pacquiao, but Floyd will never be a better human being than Manny. In a world blemished by degrading values due to strong negative influences in the present time, what we need is to witness moments like what Manny Pacquiao showcased in his recent bout. With that, I tip my hat to Manny. I am so proud of being a Filipino.

Random Thought #5: How did Sasha Vujacic snag Maria Sharapova?

This is just wrong. Credit: Sports Illustrated
I do not know. It still befuddles me. Why did Maria Sharapova fall for that douchebag? What love potion did Sasha use? However, one thing is for sure: it was grand theft. The Vujacic-Sharapova tandem has to rank up with the most imbalanced celebrity relationships of all-time. Let’s make up a term for this. What about the Landry Clarke All-Stars. This is named from “Friday Night Lights” resident geek guy Landry Clarke who (spoiler alert) had the hot Tyra Collette for his girlfriend. Not only did he got Tyra, she even chased him at one point.

Does the Vujacic-Sharapova tandem rank # 1? Hmmm… here is the Landry Clarke All-Stars:

Note: Only ongoing relationships count. That removes Shia Lebouf and Carey Mulligan from the running. Also, no fictional tandems. Thus, Landry Clarke is not even part of his All-Star Team.

Abby Clancy. Damn! Credit: Sports Illustrated
3. Peter Crouch-Abigail Clancy. When asked if he did not end up a soccer player, Peter Crouch said that he would have been a virgin. But since he is a good striker, he got the super-duper hot Abbey Clancy. Yeah, I know that she has issues as well but she is freaking hot and he is… Hey, Crouch is a great soccer player. That’s why they are not topping the other two.
2. Sasha Vujacic-Maria Sharapova. Maria Sharapova may not be as hot as Abigail Clancy and the chick in the #1 of this list but she is still Maria Sharapova. That, and she fell for a douchebag who calls himself “The Machine”
Courtesy: Sports Illustrated
1. Marko Jaric-Adriana Lima. Marko is not a douchebag but he is even borderline celebrity because he is not even playing for an NBA team right now. Also, Adriana Lima is miles hotter than Maria Sharapova. This is the antithesis of the Tom Brady-Gisele Bundchen tandem.

“…And oh, oh, how could you do it?
Oh I, I never saw it coming
Oh, oh, I need the ending
So why can’t you stay just long enough to explain?..”

Spoiler Corner

Random Thought #6: Who is Don Draper?

Actually, the question should be: why am I still discussing “Mad Men?” Either way, “Mad Men’s” polarizing protagonist drew several comparisons before. He was likened to Tiger Woods. Both of them were dominating their competition (golf and advertising). Both of them had hot Nordic wives. Both of them cheated heavily. Both were divorced.

However, we can make a case that Don Draper is LeBron James. Both of them made questionable decisions. (Don asked his secretary to marry him while LeBron pussified and joined Miami.) They were both cringeworthy.

I eventually realized the correct comparison. Don Draper is Sylar (of Heroes). Why? Both of them lost their character. Don was shuffling between his Dick Wittman and Don Draper persona while Sylar shapeshifted to different characters.

Yeah, I know. Waste of blog space.

Random Thought #7: Who will be Ted Mosby’s future wife?

This is an excuse to post Dr. Cameron of "House" because Jennifer Morrison (Zoey) is prettier there
Or, we can rephrase it to: who will win the Ted Mosby’s sweepstakes? For years, HIMYM fans have been speculating about this but every time it seemed apparent that Ted has found his future wife (the Stella story), the writers say it otherwise. We are already at the sixth season of the show and we still have no idea who Ted’s wife is. But like we always do, let us speculate.

1)    Robin Scherbatsky.
I know that Ted mentioned that Robin is the aunt of his kids. It was also shown in season finale of Season 5 that Ted dodged a huge mistake of falling for Robin again. However, Robin is such an integral character of the show that the writers can turn into the surprise ‘mother’ at the end of the story. Future Ted is just storytelling, right? Not all of his narrations are 100% accurate and he could just use the ‘Aunt Robin’ thing to make his narration unpredictable.
2)    Victoria. Remember her from Season 1? Ted’s almost perfect other half because their tastes fit? Ted broke up with her because Robin was his top priority. I know it is not good to settle for someone who thinks of you as ‘second place’ but things change. Ted did not rule out that Victoria is not the ‘mother’ so there is still a chance.
3)    Zoey. The dark horse. We all know that Ted has given up on her because she is married, but it does not mean that it is all over. It’s not like her current husband is someone she would spend the rest of her life with. The writers can kill him for all we know. Also, there is a good chance that Zoey can be Ted’s wife because of the following reasons: 1) Ted acted his ‘true self’ because Zoey is already married; and 2) their tastes on dorky stuff match; and 3) it is already Season 6! I also liked the fact that they did not go the Faye Miller fake wedding ring route on Zoey.
4)    Not yet revealed. The easy favorite. This is HIMYM after all.

With these choices, I think I am going to bet on Zoey. It is a longshot but everything seems to fit. The viewers will not expect it. But then, I got it wrong on the Don Draper Sweepstakes so don’t trust me on this one.

“…Take these chances to turn it around
Take these chances, we’ll make it somehow
And take these chances to turn it around
Just turn it around.”

Random Thought #8: Should “Friday Night Lights” belong to the pantheon of the best TV series of all-time?

Clear Eyes. Full Hearts. Can't Lose! Credit: DirecTV

We still have one season to go (Season 5 is currently ongoing with ten episodes left), but I think this question can easily be answered. If by definition of pantheon level we mean Top Ten, then yes. If it is Top Five, I am still having some second thoughts. I have not watched “The Wire,” “The Sopranos” and “Breaking Bad” yet. I think two of those shows can crack the Top 5. “Mad Men” and “Lost” are also Top 5-worthy. And I think that “How I Met Your Mother” easily rounds up my personal list. “Friday Night Lights” is definitely better than “Heroes,” “Prison Break,” and yes, even “Entourage” and “Veronica Mars.” But, I slightly think that “The Office” is better while “Grey’s Anatomy” is somewhere near FNL’s level.

Why am I discussing this? It is because I recently finished my “Friday Night Lights” marathon and I feel the need to rave about Season 4. In my opinion, Season 4 slightly edges Season 1. There are several characters that we have grown to love that are missing in Season 4 but the bunch of newcomers were interesting and can match the acting.

I love underdog stories and I liked the way they executed Season 4. It might be predictable in the underdog cliché sense but at least, they kept it realistic. My biggest complaint in the first few seasons is that, their football matches seemed to have too much come-from-behind victories that it is largely improbable in real life. You cannot have the team chasing up a lot of points in the second half all the time. With Season 4, all of those issues disappear. The East Dillon Lions were blown out several times and their source of celebrations was the fact that they could score out of honor. The come-from-behind victories did not seem out-of-place because they are underdogs after all. I just hoped that the writers realize in Season 5 that getting early leads when you are an underdog make up a good tense-filled storyline as well. Why? Because this is the feeling when underdogs get a good unexpected lead at the beginning: “Seriously?! We’re leading? Are we winning this game? But our opponents are stronger in paper! Let’s keep our fingers crossed until the end of the game. Oh no! They’re making a comeback! No, please, no!!!”

Sometimes, it’s not just about catching up from huge deficits. It also makes good entertainment when an underdog team tries to maintain their lead when the superior team tries to catch up.

However, “Friday Night Lights” is not about the football games. It is about the community and the stories behind the people in there. Season 4 gets to tackle on minority issues and how Coach Taylor tries to give these kids a chance to have a better future. The new characters were heavily flawed that there was always room for tension all throughout. Often times, it turned into negative results. The Riggins brothers got caught; Tami Taylor was in the hot seat; Becky got pregnant; Vince had gang issues. The pressure was too high that it felt so relieving when the Lions defeated the Panthers. I know it is just a TV show and it is scripted, but I celebrated the Lions’ win after Landry’s kick as if it was in real life. The characters needed a break that a no-bearing football win was so special. It was like Robin Scherbatsky winning the New York marathon in HIMYM Season 6 Episode 4.

And that is what made Season 4 extra special. People who are indifferent on sports usually say, “Why bother caring too much on a game? It’s just a game.” True, it is just a game. But when you are feeling low and it seems that everything is going against you, moments like sports victories provide venues of escapist joy that could swing life’s momentum into your favor. In life, sometimes, all you need is that nudge that would put you a step toward the right direction.

Excuse to post Julie Taylor's picture, Credit: DirecTV
Other than what I have mentioned, I also loved Season 4 because two of the most likeable characters in the show (other than Coach Taylor and Tami Taylor) got good storylines. Other than in the season-that-should-not-have-happened, I always liked Julie Taylor. Other than the fact that I am attracted to her, Julie had the highly emotional storyline about her love life and her love for Dillon. Season 4 became the climax of Julie’s character growth (from a girl who did not care about Dillon and football to a girl who is getting sentimental over her hometown). The other character who had a feel-good storyline? Landry Clarke. Yes, after making fun of him at one part of this blog entry, I am suddenly declaring that he is a likeable character. Actually, he is. He may have a bad love ending but he has been one of the mature characters who could take a break-up. A devastated guy (or a Tom from “500 Days of Summer”) will never be able to kick a 45-yard field goal. It showed how Landry was able to master the art of prevailing after getting dumped through the years.

I guess I will miss watching “Friday Night Lights” when the show ends early next year. After all, it is one of the most underrated drama series in TV. It is already the best sports TV show of all-time. I just hope that they end the series with a bang. Correction: I am positively sure that they will go down with a blaze of glory.

Clear eyes. Full hearts. Can’t lose!

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