Friday, December 17, 2010

No Music, No Life MMX

MMX. The Roman Numeral version of 2010. I do not know if anyone used it to describe this new decade but I was raring to use it in my blogs as soon as this year started. After all, it had that cool sound into it.

It has been my annual tradition to blog about my favorite songs of the year and this year would be no different. I carefully remembered which song I played the most each month so that I will not be having a difficult time writing this piece. This year, this blog would be different though. Instead of seeing the usual alternative and punk rock songs in this list, you will observe that there would be a wider variety with (yup, you read this right) rap, indie and pop joining my favorite genre. 2010 is not my favorite year in music due to fewer album releases from my favorite bands (that or I was just lazy to research). However, this year had me liking rap music after almost a decade of ignoring it (not totally as I listened to mainstream hits like “Low”).

Friday, December 10, 2010

Best TV Series Chicks

Where does Veronica Mars rank in this list? | Credit: IMDB/Whichever TV series these characters belong to

It is December and it is the time of the year when I love blogging about the bests of the year like: a) which are my favorite songs of each month? or b) what were the top fives or top tens of this year? (OK, I lied. I always love ranking stuff in a top ten or top one hundred-something manner regardless of the month.)  December marks this time of the year for me because it is the time to reflect on what has happened as it is the last month of the year. But in this case, I am making an “all-time list” to commemorate the awesome eye candies that motivate guys like me to watch TV shows even if it gets into boring parts. After all, it is December and if ever you get stuck home during the holiday season watching TV reruns, it is nice to take note of this list.

There is a reason why I entitled this blog entry “Best TV Series Chicks” instead of “Hottest TV Chicks” or “Sexiest Female Celebrities on TV.” Even if the main prerequisite of this list is physical beauty, I also factored in acting ability, likeability and charisma (I know you will think “Translation: Crap, Bullcrap, and Stop lying please.”) But, I really factored these in, so that it would add some ‘flavor’ in my choices. I am not going to lie that Physical Beauty is the biggest factor. We, guys, also like watching eye candies in our TV shows. However, I still think that nobody beats the fervor of the fangirls when going gaga over their crushes. That is why there is such a thing as Team Edward and Team Jacob while there is no Team Serena and Team Blair (What? There is such a thing? Ah yes… but it is from a chick show and most likely chicks invented that). But my point is, I may be biased over these eye candies at the start but I will most probably lose it as the episodes go by if they do not act well or are just plain horrible to watch. This is why I am factoring other things aside from physical beauty. (Side note: They can be unlikeable and still be cool. That is, as long as they act well in being unlikeable)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

My Favorite TV Show Intros

Where does FNL rank in this list? | Credit: Friday Night Lights

OK, I admit it. I have writer’s block and I could not think of another topic (even the title lacks creativity). I think it is still a good topic but it does not need to be wordy. So, here we go:

Credit: That '70s Show
5. That 70s Show. “Hanging out, down the street. The same old things we did last week...” I think I just love the 70s theme that this show brings. They can sing any silly song and shout “Hello Wisconsin!” at the end and I will still like it. By the way, I like the theme song.

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