Saturday, December 4, 2010

My Favorite TV Show Intros

Where does FNL rank in this list? | Credit: Friday Night Lights

OK, I admit it. I have writer’s block and I could not think of another topic (even the title lacks creativity). I think it is still a good topic but it does not need to be wordy. So, here we go:

Credit: That '70s Show
5. That 70s Show. “Hanging out, down the street. The same old things we did last week...” I think I just love the 70s theme that this show brings. They can sing any silly song and shout “Hello Wisconsin!” at the end and I will still like it. By the way, I like the theme song.

YouTube Link

Credit: The Office
4. The Office. I just love this show’s theme song! It starts with a simple melody then progresses to that melody’s rock version. The montage showing ‘Welcome to Scranton’ was beautifully done as well. It has the classic and homely feel in it. But still, the best thing about this intro would be the theme song. The band who performed it? The Scrantones. If you are a fan of the theme song, check this YouTube link for the full length version:

YouTube Link

Credit: Veronica Mars
3. Veronica Mars. “A long time ago we used to be friends…” This catchy introduction song with lively guitar riffs was a delight to me every time I watched this TV series. It always gets me psyched no matter how boring the pre-intro parts were. By the way, I prefer the rock (high school) version than the college version. Oh wait, there was no “Veronica Mars” Season 3? Ah yeah, I forgot that it was The Season That Did Not Exist.

Any intro that shows Kristen Bell’s cute face is a winner.

YouTube Link

Credit: Friends

2. Friends. Easily my favorite full length TV series song of all-time. It was so awesome that I downloaded this Rembrandts song way back in college even if I did not religiously watch the show. The song fits the friendship theme and the gang executed their dance quite well. Since I’m running out of words, I will just post an excerpt of the song’s lyrics:

“You're still in bed at ten and work began at eight
You've burned your breakfast so far... things are goin' great

Your mother warned you there'd be days like these
Oh but she didn't tell you when the world has brought
You down to your knees that...

I'll be there for you
When the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you
Like I've been there before…”

YouTube Link

Credit: Friday Night Lights
1. Friday Night Lights. If you asked me a month ago, my answer would have been the intro of “Friends.” But since I have finished catching up on FNL, I have learned to appreciate the differing montages of their intro in every season. I always like it when TV shows change their intro to make it more up-to-date. It is an indication that they put some effort in making a good intro. The Texas scenery that they show depicts how huge the community’s role is in this TV series. I also loved how the intro evolved year after year. Season 1 flashed more community pictures because we are more focused in the overall plot then. As seasons went by, the characters grow into you that is why we get more character images. That, or I am just over-analyzing it.

“Friday Night Lights” theme song is also a splendid masterpiece. It is heartwarming, motivating and it gets me psyched up all at the same time. The video creators also maintained the memorable clips through the years (i.e., the Taylors hugging each other, Julie Taylor’s cute smiling face, Jess’ dance right on cue, dancing Tami Taylor and Welcome to Dillon). Oh, and of course I got ecstatic when they first showed Tami in a red shirt cheering for the East Dillon Lions (Note: She was still a principal of Dillion that time). I even ranked the theme song in my Top 10 Sports-related songs of all-time.

Clear eyes. Full hearts. Can’t lose!

YouTube Link (It’s a shame that there is no correct video of the show’s intro due to copyrights. This is the closest but it is awkwardly funny because of the Jew images that were inserted)

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