Sunday, September 9, 2012

8 Random Thoughts: The September 2K12 Edition

Look who's not impressed on my blogging this year | Credit: All of the McKayla's Not Impressed websites
(In CP3 voice) WoW. I got to blog twice in a week this year! This is primarily because 1) I am back in the Philippines so I have fewer household chores to do; and 2) I could barely do anything in our condo because of the lack of a television and decent Internet connection. Without further ado, I am returning my favorite ‘anything under the sun’ article.

Random Thought # 1: Any thoughts on UAAP this season?

It surely is more competitive and more physical. But then, that’s like saying the sky is blue. Thanks for the obvious, Jeff. On a serious note, I think the Ateneo Blue Eagles will win their fifth championship except if some miracle happens (that’s not a miracle for us, Ateneans) and UST goes 2006 UST with three times the luck they had then. You might say I am bragging or being too arrogant/overconfident here, but with the way the Ateneo team is structured right now, it is a well-oiled machine that even if UST plays the same level as its 2006 version, it won’t defeat the Blue Eagles. Here are reasons why:

Monday, September 3, 2012

Learn To Fly

“I'm looking to the sky to save me
Looking for a sign of life
Looking for something to help me burn out bright
I'm looking for a complication
Looking cause I'm tired of trying
Make my way back home when I learn to fly high”
-    Foo Fighters from the song “Learn To Fly”

It was a cloudy day in September of 2005. I could still remember that horrible feeling. I was drained and depressed. I was badly dehydrated after two hours of non-stop cheering. The worst part was, my team barely stood a chance the whole game. I was one of the few idiots in our section who kept on cheering as the green team decimated and swept our team. It was brutal.