Saturday, March 20, 2010

The American Idol Drinking Game

Some time early this week, I woke up with a bright (or stupid) idea: What if I try to do an American Idol drinking game? (For those who do not know what a drinking game is, it is a game where you decide on certain words or phrases that someone on the show normally says. When the person on the show – normally the host – speaks those words/phrases, everyone takes a shot of liquor. This is perfect for shows that feature someone who has a habit of saying certain words over and over again. A good example of this would be NBA. I saw a website before that had the Mark Jackson Drinking Game).

I think it was time to mix things up when watching American Idol these days. It was actually perfect for the Top 12 show. We have two hours worth of show time which would be enough time to take a lot of shots. There are several fodders so a good part of the show is expected to be crappy singing. The drinking game makes it more entertaining. I also wanted to experience what Ted and Barney had in How I Met Your Mother. I know I will get intoxicated in the end, but I guess there are some things in this life that you have to experience for curiosity’s sake (and three to five years from now, I would be too old to do this crazy thing again).

I made sure that I came up with a list of words before watching the show. After ten minutes of brainstorming, here are the words that I was able to come up with:

For Randy Jackson:
“For me, for you”. I know that he seldom says this phrase this season but he overkilled enough last year so it’s worth putting on the rules.
Apparently, I removed “Yo!” from the list because it is too unfair (probably much worse than Robin Scherbatsky’s but uhmmm). I may not be able to survive by the middle part of the show. In an American Idol drinking game, you either choose Randy’s “Yo” or everyone’s favorite words. I chose the latter because it would make a good blog topic.

For Ellen Degeneres:
Every time Ellen stutters
“Great voice”
“I forgot that we are in a singing competition.”

For Kara DioGuardi:
is back!”

For Simon Cowell:
Whenever he mentions Paige’s voice
Whenever he calls Siobhan “weird”
“You are in trouble”
“It was a complete and utter mess.”

I thought of adding some more lines like Kara’s “from a technical standpoint” and Simon’s “I agree with Kara” but I decided that fifteen is a lot. I figured that some of these lines may never be said but if they say it in succession, it will be booze galore for me.

I initially watched the performance show without the drinking game so that I can appreciate the actual show. I was actually expecting a trainwreck after last week’s triple shocker elimination but to be honest, the Rolling Stones’ week is the best thus far. Surprising, right? I even thought of a quote about this:

“If you throw your biases out the window, you are bound to experience something great.”
To be honest, that is what I have been trying to do for the whole season. I am analyzing it for some weeks already and it would be terrible if I would be inclined on my favorites. OK, fine. There were still some slight biases in my write-ups! Either way, a lot of contestants surprised me this week. I have constantly hated Paige and her “supposedly good voice” in the past weeks but I think that she had her best showing thus far. Now is the right time to bring her voice in the discussion, Simon (argh! Drinks a shot.) Aaron Kelly finally performed very well. Lacey, even if she was eliminated, actually had a decent performance. I actually liked Katie’s rendition a bit. Only Tim Urban was horrible. Is this kid trying to do a Jason Castro? Sorry, dude, you failed horribly. Jason Castro might be one of the guys who turned their television sets after hearing Tim’s lame performance. Nevertheless, Siobhan had the best of the night – but it was not as dominating as the judges raved about it to be. It was slightly better than Crystal’s, Didi’s and Lee’s performances. I saw this coming before – Simon will eventually pimp Siobhan at the expense of Crystal. Yeah, it looks like Siobhan is starting to be slightly overpimped. Shoot me.

Either way, Siobhan’s dramatic performance wowed the audience (not necessarily me) that I think she saved this boring and mediocre season.

Because I initially watched the performance show without drinks, this means that I wasted two hours for the drinking game at a different time (yeah, I also downloaded it on torrent). Shown below was what transpired during the drinking game show:
First Two Performances. The show started disappointingly because the first wave of judges’ commentary left me shot-less while Randy already said three yo’s (or I must have missed Ellen stuttering because my volume was low as it was already late in the night). I had my first shot when Ellen stuttered while commenting on Didi’s performance.

The Next Four Performances. The next few waves of judge commentaries became boring as my list is failing badly while Randy continues to say “yo” excessively. Only Ellen was giving me jabs of her stutter talk to make me drink every now and then. Ellen was like Manny Pacquiao and I was like Clottey (except that I was not planning to defend) as she gives some jabs in the form of hard drink shots every now and then.

The Horrible Performance. There was actually a time that the ice already melted because it was only Ellen who was consistent. However, those constant Ellen stutter shots somehow affected me in some way or the other that by the time Tim Urban sang, his performance became decent to my ears. I was not paying attention to the performance details by then though (I was not even looking at my TV half the time when he was performing).

The Siobhan Magnus-Lee DeWyze Performances. After watching Siobhan put on a show, it appeared that the judges just pissed on their pants as they were astounded. Because of that, they gave me a barrage of shots. Damn it! Four shots after Randy exclaimed two yo’s and Ellen stuttered twice. BAM! Four effin’ shots in less than a minute. The highlight of a drinking game is when you are forced to take consecutive shots. When Lee performed, I already started hearing funny noises from the background. Lee’s judge commentary wave also had me drinking three shots. I am so effed up.

The Last Performances. After the Siobhan-Lee shots, I was already tipsy and I was already cursing the judges every time they say a magic word. Ellen continues to stutter while Simon and Kara joined the fray when he mentioned Paige’s voice and when Kara stated that Paige is back. Suddenly, I am hating Paige again.
I did not puke like Ted Mosby did after the drinking game but I started heading to my bed. Lesson learned after a drinking game: kids, do not try this. I ended up taking twenty shots with Ellen stuttering twelve times (I believe it could have been more but that was how I tallied it). She also said “great voice” once. Randy was obviously the runner-up as he forced me to take a shot five times. Kara and Simon had one apiece.

Time to wrap this week’s American Idol:

Rating the Judges
Randy Jackson (5/10). This is a high score for Mr. Yo judge.
Ellen Degeneres (7.5/10). Superb judging this week. She will never be a technical judge but she brought the comedy in American Idol Season 9. (That was hot!) Finally, we are watching the true Ellen Degeneres. Just stop stuttering, please.
Kara DioGuardi (7/10). Still the best judge this season (especially during the times when Simon was abducted by the aliens). But, Ellen beat her this week.
Simon Cowell (7/10). At least he is not giving out insane comments like Tim Urban is superb, right?

Power Rankings
On-the-cusp: Lacey Brown (eliminated). Farewell, Hot Chick # 1! She actually improved these past two weeks but she is middle of the pack and we all know they get eliminated first. I started to realize that she is becoming the prettiest of the bunch after seeing Didi’s distracting muscles. Nevertheless, she is not a big loss and I understand why she got the boot (Texans finding it hard to split votes). Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday.

5. Casey James. The better Texan. This kid can rock! He is still middle of the pack but he is in line to go the Kris Allen route this year.
4. Lee Dewyze. Another under-the-radar performer but has shown glimpses that he is a contender. His pitchiness was not exposed this week so kudos to him. Very good rendition as well.
3. Crystal Bowersox. Nice way to finish the show for Crystal. She is consistently solid week after week. My only concern is that it continues to be the same for her every week. Siobhan’s performance showed that you need versatility in this show. Scott MacIntyre must be going nuts now – he was criticized for using his keyboards as his crutch after two to three performances last year while Crystal always had the guitar (four times in live shows). Oh wait, Paula Abdul was the one who criticized about that last year? Hmmm… suddenly Paula appears to become smart by a bit.
2. Didi Benami. Risky move this week by Hot Chick # 2 but she delivered very well. She also has a very good recording voice. I even think that she may end up more successful than Siobhan after their Idol stints.
1. Siobhan Magnus. Stupendous performance. Awesome arrangement. What more can I say? Oh wait… she has not yet fully WOWed me. Her studio version wowed me though.

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