Saturday, December 12, 2009

What's The Best Month Of The Year?

Two months ago, Bill Simmons a.k.a. The Sports Guy wrote a mailbag article on what is the best month of the year. It ended with him concluding that October is the best as it barely toppled February due to some factors like Halloween and the major sports. However, that was the American perspective (or just the Sports Guy’s viewpoint). Thus, here I am asking the same effin’ question on the most awesome month of the year. In the Philippine point of view (or just my perspective).

I thought of doing this because I realized that there seems to be no lame month as there’s always something cool every month. I will try to be objective as much as possible (don’t worry, I won’t include my birthday because I do not celebrate it anyway). Weather matters as well. When I was a child, I love summers but because the temperature my body was accustomed to got screwed up when I went to America last year, summers became dreadful as I got flu and (f*ck Global Warming) super dry (parang beer ah). However, TV shows are just those that I consider to be in my Big Four: Grey’s Anatomy, How I Met Your Mother, Lost, American Idol (so much for being objective! Haha)

Weather: Cold but not rainy (+1)
Sports: NBA (+0.75)
TV Shows: Grey’s Anatomy (+0.5), How I Met Your Mother (+0.5), American Idol (+0.5)
Other awesome things: Fantasy NBA (+1)
Total Score: 4.25

Weather: Cold but not rainy (+1)
Sports: NBA (+0.75)
TV Shows: Lost (+0.5), Grey’s Anatomy (+0.5), How I Met Your Mother (+0.5) American Idol (+0.5)
Other awesome things: Fantasy NBA (+1), Valentine’s Month (+0.5), February Sweeps (+1), NBA All-Star Weekend (+0.25)
Total Score: 6.5

Weather: Hot (+0.5)
Sports: NBA (+0.75)
TV Shows: Lost (+0.5), Grey’s Anatomy (+0.5), How I Met Your Mother (+0.5) American Idol (+0.5)
Other awesome things: Fantasy NBA (+1), Wrestlemania (+0.5)
Total Score: 4.75

Weather: Hot (+0.5)
Sports: NBA (+0.75)
TV Shows: Lost (+0.5), Grey’s Anatomy (+0.5), How I Met Your Mother (+0.5) American Idol (+0.5)
Other awesome things: Fantasy NBA Finals (+1), Beach time! (+0.5), NBA Playoffs (+0.5), Light Traffic in the streets (+1)
Total Score: 6.25

Weather: Hot (+0.5)
Sports: NBA (+0.75)
TV Shows: Lost (+0.5), Grey’s Anatomy (+0.5), How I Met Your Mother (+0.5) American Idol (+0.5)
Other awesome things: Beach time! (+0.5), NBA Playoffs (+0.5) May Sweeps and Season Finale (+1.5), Light Traffic in the streets (+1)
Total Score: 6.75

Weather: Rainy
Sports: NBA (+0.75)
TV Shows: None
Other awesome things: NBA Finals (+1), Summer Hollywood Movie Blockbusters (+1)
Total Score: 2.75

Weather: Rainy
Sports: UAAP Basketball (+1)
TV Shows: None
Other awesome things: Summer Hollywood Movie Blockbusters (+1)
Total Score: 2

Weather: Rainy
Sports: UAAP Basketball (+1)
TV Shows: None
Other awesome things: None
Total Score: 1

Weather: Awfully Stormy (-0.5)
Sports: UAAP Basketball (+1)
TV Shows: Grey’s Anatomy (+0.5), How I Met Your Mother (+0.5)
Other awesome things: UAAP Playoffs and Cheerdance Competition (+0.5)
Total Score: 2

Weather: Awfully Stormy (-0.5)
Sports: UAAP Basketball (+1), NBA (+0.75)
TV Shows: Grey’s Anatomy (+0.5), How I Met Your Mother (+0.5)
Other awesome things: UAAP Finals (+1), MLB World Series (+0.5), Fantasy NBA Drafts (+1.5), Octoberfest (+0.5)
Total Score: 5.75

Weather: Normal (+1)
Sports: NBA (+0.75)
TV Shows: Grey’s Anatomy (+0.5), How I Met Your Mother (+0.5)
Other awesome things: Fantasy NBA (+1)
Total Score: 3.75

Weather: Cold (+1)
Sports: NBA (+0.75)
TV Shows: Grey’s Anatomy (+0.25), How I Met Your Mother (+0.25)
Other awesome things: Holiday Season (+1), Movie Marathon Month (+1), Fantasy NBA (+1), Vacation (+0.5)
Total Score: 5.75

So there you have it… May is the best month of the year thus far with a score of 6.75 barely edging February (6.5). This could change though as Lost will be at its final season next year. Nevertheless, May tops the list for me as you have the season finale of the major TV shows, you get to watch the NBA playoffs in full gear (as there is always a playoff game shown everyday in Cable TV) and the traffic is not that terrible. I may have missed some important events in here so if you could think of one, feel free to reply to this blog post.

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