Saturday, September 26, 2009

Are You For Real? Blockbusters of the Year

Note: This is an old post from my Multiply site last December 26, 2009.

Last week, I featured my songs of the year. Now, it is time to review some of the movies of the year. This is my first time to do such and I am no movie buff so my style of rating is not your conventional one. Speaking of the movie buff thing, my friend and I had a game of “have you watched this popular movie?” a week ago. We had to name some popular movies that we have watched (i.e., Titanic, Transformers, Mission Impossible, Rattatouille) and we could score a point if the other did not get to watch it. The movies mentioned, however, should be popular ones or ones that could qualify as ‘movies that you should watch or else you are a loser’. I lost 13-15.

What a way to give myself some credibility (or lack of it) on movies. Stupid X-Men and Resident Evil. I got burned badly on those movies.

But hey, I suggested some movies to her recently and as it turns out that I have the IMDb crowd taste. All of my suggestions were rated at least 6.5 or higher. I guess I share the same sentiments with the IMDb fans as my favorite movies: Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, Rattatouille, and the Spider-man movies received good ratings. Problem is, IMDb is mass-based rating. It does give an idea if a flick sucked or not but it is more or less a popularity thing as some movie-crazed fans would overrate their favorite films.

I got broke big time in cash this year as I have spent incredibly a lot of dough on movies. Add to that the fact that I treated some of my close friends on movies (not only on my birthday gimik). Thus, I think I can spend some time on discussing the movies that I have watched on the big screen this year.

I have an interesting pool of movies that I have watched on cinemas this year so I am just going to get my top ten flicks from these ones.

Blood Diamond
Spiderman 3
Ocean’s Thirteen
Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World’s End
Simpsons the Movie
30 Days of Night
Bourne Ultimatum
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Die Hard 4.0
I Now Pronounce You, Chuck and Larry

These films were not in chronological order. I already had a difficult time remembering which movies I watched. Recalling them in the correct order is almost impossible.

Here are my fun criterias for these year’s movies. I did not want to evaluate movies based on their actual strengths because I have missed parts on lots of movies. And besides, this is meant to be a fun evaluation of the movies that I watched. This is evaluation based from my perspective when I watched the movie.

Did not Fall Asleep / Missed a part of the Movie = 15%
I put in a big weight on this one because I usually fall asleep on movies especially action flicks. Sometimes, it is because I am very tired when watching. If I fall asleep, the movie is almost a disgrace because I have missed a significant part of it.
Date / Barkada Movie = 20%
Hey, I am a yuppie. The very reason I watched movies this year is either of the two. If it does not click on that regard, the movie has lost 20% of its flair.
Storyline = 30%
I have always been a fan of great storylines. You will observe that I would be a bit critical on this part. There are lots of popular movies this year (i.e., Spiderman 3, Transformers) but a lot also failed on this regard because they banked on popularity.
Entertainment Value = 25%
In most cases, I was entertained this year. Popular movies always do that. Nonetheless, this part is not just for popular ones. How do I base my rating? If it is a horror flick, it must scare me. If it is an action movie, it must make me say “Wow!” This is dependent to its genre.
Popularity / Is it Cool Enough? = 10%
We always talk of movies after we watch them. There is no sense of talking about a movie if no one was able to watch it. But then, some popular movies are not cool enough so why bother talk about them also?

Please do note that I also judged the films relatively to my expectations. This gives a bit of leverage to the unpopular ones

Spider-man 3
Overall Rating: 80
Did not Fall Asleep / Missed a part of the Movie = 15
Date / Barkada Movie = 15
Storyline = 20
Entertainment Value = 22
Popularity / Cool Enough = 8
Where did I watch it? The Block
I have always been a Spiderman fan. Best superhero trilogy in my books. The problem is, this movie disappointed me a bit. I had to ask my parents to buy me tickets prior to the film to ensure that I watch it on its first filming date (May 1). It was expected to be a major blockbuster because it featured three villains – Sandman, Venom and Green Goblin Junior. Too bad, it did not meet my expectations. The story was written poorly as there were too many subplots that it lost concentration. They killed Peter’s best friend in the end after two movies of villain buildup. I used to think that Venom was one of Spidey’s best villains. It turned out that he was just a sub-villain in this movie. They even killed him so nothing more to expect on that character. This movie can still qualify as a date movie for lovers with semi-crumbling relationships because it teaches a lesson on trust and faith. Good thing in this movie is, I did not fall asleep in the movie. Also, Bryce Dallas Howard was so pretty in this movie. =P

Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World’s End
Overall Rating: 73
Did not Fall Asleep / Missed a part of the Movie = 6
Date / Barkada Movie = 14
Storyline = 24
Entertainment Value = 21
Popularity / Cool Enough = 8
Where did I watch it? Glorietta 4
I did not actually plan to watch this movie but my officemates wanted to watch it so I joined them for camaraderie’s sake. I was not able to watch the prior Pirates movies so this was a dead story film for me. I also fell asleep at most parts of the movie that I was only able to catch the last part and some glimpses of the start and mid parts. Anyway, good acting by Johnny Depp and the story’s perspective was cool.

Blood Diamond
Overall Rating: 67
Did not Fall Asleep / Missed a part of the Movie = 10
Date / Barkada Movie = 7
Storyline = 26
Entertainment Value = 18
Popularity / Cool Enough = 6
Where did I watch it? Eastwood Cinema
I watched this movie alone while waiting for my father to pick me up. It was a long movie but it made sense and had a good story. It was just too serious and I am not sure if it could qualify as a date movie. I fell asleep at some parts of the movie and I was not able to finish it.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Overall Rating: 80
Did not Fall Asleep / Missed a part of the Movie = 15
Date / Barkada Movie = 15
Storyline = 21
Entertainment Value = 20
Popularity / Cool Enough = 9
Where did I watch it? Greenbelt 3
Another Harry Potter flick. The movie was just fine. Nothing more to expect. Harry Potter movies started to fade to my satisfaction starting from the third movie onwards. Nothing spectacular. Nothing bad.

Overall Rating: 63
Did not Fall Asleep / Missed a part of the Movie = 8
Date / Barkada Movie = 13
Storyline = 20
Entertainment Value = 17
Popularity / Cool Enough = 5
Where did I watch it? Trinoma
This movie started my Trinoma movie bad luck. The cinema is great but I just could not watch a whole movie in it because I had to go out of the theater. I spent 50% of the movie searching for my car because I needed an umbrella because I did not want my friend to get wet. Stupid but funny. Anyway, the movie did not interest me that much as I did not believe in destiny and the story was rather simple (or it’s just because I missed it). The rain ended after the movie so I just wasted my money on this one.

Simpsons the Movie
Overall Rating: 81
Did not Fall Asleep / Missed a part of the Movie = 15
Date / Barkada Movie = 17
Storyline = 20
Entertainment Value = 22
Popularity / Cool Enough = 7
Where did I watch it? Greenbelt 3
This is definitely a barkada movie. We laugh for most of the movie but I have to note that it was too short and I would rather have a Simpsons marathon than watch the whole movie. Nevertheless, it still entertained me a lot. Homer’s dirty finger scene would have to be the most memorable part. This movie also had a good lesson on one’s importance – we, as people, become important because of others. We achieve our purpose in life if we do something for others. Good job, Mister Homer Simpson. You will always be our beloved funny, dumb yet profound (only in this moment) father figure in cartoon history.

Ocean’s Thirteen
Overall Rating: 76
Did not Fall Asleep / Missed a part of the Movie = 9
Date / Barkada Movie = 15
Storyline = 22
Entertainment Value = 22
Popularity / Cool Enough = 8
Where did I watch it? Shangri-La Plaza
Our first movie in our series of Sportsfest gimiks. Great clever movie for the all-star cast but I always fall asleep on Ocean’s movies. I was probably tired or it was dragging at the start. I rated this a bit higher in terms of storyline because I did not expect that much and their tricks were great anyway. Nevertheless, it does not qualify as a top 5 movie for me this year.

Overall Rating: 72
Did not Fall Asleep / Missed a part of the Movie = 13
Date / Barkada Movie = 14
Storyline = 20
Entertainment Value = 20
Popularity / Cool Enough = 5
Where did I watch it? Powerplant
A very gross movie. It was funny that I brought my food at the cinema on this one. I was eating a hotdog on bread filled with toppings when the movie started with the girl cutting her face with a knife. I guess the memorable part in this one would be the part where they submerged themselves on the formalin aquarium to get the cadaver. But then, it was not a cool movie and it was not that much scary so I had to lower its ratings.

Bourne Ultimatum
Overall Rating: 69
Did not Fall Asleep / Missed a part of the Movie = 4
Date / Barkada Movie = 15
Storyline = 20
Entertainment Value = 22
Popularity / Cool Enough = 8
Where did I watch it? Trinoma
If I missed half of the movie on Next, this has got to be worse. I missed more than half of the movie on this one. Yes, and I was back at Trinoma’s carpark again searching for something. Add the fact that I needed to work during the film. Anyway, I had to enjoy what’s left on the movie. Great action stunts though. The storyline seems great so I cannot make this the worst film this year.

I Now Pronounce You, Chuck and Larry
Overall Rating: 78
Did not Fall Asleep / Missed a part of the Movie = 13
Date / Barkada Movie = 15
Storyline = 21
Entertainment Value = 22
Popularity / Cool Enough = 7
Where did I watch it? Eastwood Cinema
Another gross movie. But at least this one is funny. I did not know that it was about gays. Sorry to the gay community but I just found this one gross at some parts. I had to quit eating my popcorn when I was watching the shower scene. 50% of my popcorn was wasted in this movie!!! D@mn you, Adam Sandler… you are one of my favorite comedians that’s why I watched this movie. Nevertheless, it was still witty and funny. Great lines by the mailman. Also, congratulations to Mister Adam Sandler for getting to hold Jessica Biel’s seductive mammaries. LOL. Gays can be lucky at times. Maliciously funny. Not for kids.

Thirty Days of Night
Overall Rating: 77
Did not Fall Asleep / Missed a part of the Movie = 14
Date / Barkada Movie = 14
Storyline = 22
Entertainment Value = 21
Popularity / Cool Enough = 6
Where did I watch it? Shangri-La Plaza
I was still on the Halloween fever when my friend and I watched this movie. I have to admit that I was a bit impressed on this one. Well, they can cut the hard rock musical background – it does not make the movie scary. The film, however, is too dark. Not the type of film to scare my wits out but it is still worth watching given the fact that there are few of quality horror films around. Plus, Melissa George is cute in this film. =P


Die Hard 4.0
Overall Rating: 82
Did not Fall Asleep / Missed a part of the Movie = 12
Date / Barkada Movie = 15
Storyline = 22
Entertainment Value = 24
Popularity / Cool Enough = 9
Where did I watch it? Promenade, Greenhills
The beautiful chinitas in Promenade has nothing to do with this movie being the #5 movie of the year. Bruce Willis is simply for real. This is a kick ass action movie with mediocre storyline at its best. I might have slept for some parts of it but the action stunts were simply cool. How the hell did he ever think of destroying a helicopter by just using his car?! It was simply impossible in real life but hey, this is a movie, man! The action parts just made me say “Holy Sh!t!” I seldom appreciated action flicks but this one has got to blow my mind off. The Optimus Prime and Spiderman parts just made it a bit hilarious as this film was shown in theaters during the Transformers-Spiderman time span. Dude, this is cool enough to be on the top five. Too bad, my personal ratings did not fit for this film to be number one.

Overall Rating: 87
Did not Fall Asleep / Missed a part of the Movie = 14
Date / Barkada Movie = 19
Storyline = 22
Entertainment Value = 23
Popularity / Cool Enough = 9
Where did I watch it? Powerplant
Very good date movie. It was a great spoof movie as well for fairy tales. Major comment on the movie: McDreamy pawns Prince Charming big time. I like that – fairy tale dreams have no place in the real world. This movie has got to be cool because it was not your ordinary fairy tale movie. Add the fact that it was cool enough. Right, peasants?

Overall Rating: 88
Did not Fall Asleep / Missed a part of the Movie = 15
Date / Barkada Movie = 19
Storyline = 19
Entertainment Value = 25
Popularity / Cool Enough = 10
Where did I watch it? Greenbelt 3
It’s my birthday movie! I treated my officemates in this awesome movie and I have to say that it was really worth it. The acting was not that awesome but the animations were really the thing this year. It also brings back memories of my childhood as I really liked Transformers then even though I cannot recall a story in that cartoon anymore. The action scenes were also remarkable. Add the fact that The Used’s Pretty Handsome Awkward pretty much fits the background music while the action starts. Screw Linkin Park! Mainstream crap. If it were not for a mediocre storyline, this movie would have been number one.

Overall Rating: 92
Did not Fall Asleep / Missed a part of the Movie = 12
Date / Barkada Movie = 19
Storyline = 29
Entertainment Value = 24
Popularity / Cool Enough = 8
Where did I watch it? Powerplant
Blame the parts were I dozed off. This movie would have been the best if I did not sleep at some parts. Anyways, it was an awesome date movie. Talk about things on love. Yvaine’s quote has got to be the quote of the year. Here it is for the Stardust lovers out there:
“You know when I said I knew little about love? That wasn't true. I know a lot about love. I've seen it, centuries and centuries of it, and it was the only thing that made watching your world bearable. All those wars. Pain, lies, hate... It made me want to turn away and never look down again. But when I see the way that mankind loves... You could search to the furthest reaches of the universe and never find anything more beautiful. So yes, I know that love is unconditional. But I also know that it can be unpredictable, unexpected, uncontrollable, unbearable and strangely easy to mistake for loathing, and... What I'm trying to say, Tristan is... I think I love you. Is this love, Tristan? I never imagined I'd know it for myself. My heart... It feels like my chest can barely contain it. Like it's trying to escape because it doesn't belong to me any more. It belongs to you. And if you wanted it, I'd wish for nothing in exchange - no fits. No goods. No demonstrations of devotion. Nothing but knowing you loved me too. Just your heart, in exchange for mine.”
I might be biased on Neil Gaiman’s writings but this has got to be so great. I felt bad for not finishing my book. This movie is very profound but it was still able to capture the hearts of its audience (well, at least for me and some of my friends). I also liked the idea of stars shining when they are in love. Fantasy depiction at its best.

Overall Rating: 93
Did not Fall Asleep / Missed a part of the Movie = 15
Date / Barkada Movie = 18
Storyline = 28
Entertainment Value = 23
Popularity / Cool Enough = 9
Where did I watch it? Shangri-La Plaza
And here is the best movie of the year. At least, it was the very best when I watched it. I do not normally watch a cartoon movie but this movie has exceeded my expectations. Pixar has exhibited its magic once again. This movie is not only for kids. Adults can appreciate it too as the idea of having perspective made it great. Profound at some sense that is why I rated its storyline high. As much as I like to say that stupid fairy tale dreams have no place in this world, I am still a dreamer. Remy the Rat was able to pursue his dreams amidst his limitations. Who says you cannot do it? Believe, my friend. It reminds me of the poster with the words ‘Believe’ that are hanging in my bedroom’s wall. The very same poster that I had when Ateneo won its first championship in fourteen years. Remy believes. So should you. This movie is not just a profound cartoon in some sense, it is also a great date movie on the lighter side of things. All in all, it became the movie of the year because it did not fail in any aspect. Nothing spectacular. No need to overdo it. It was just great in its own sens

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