Monday, September 28, 2009


Note: This is an old post from my Multiply site last October 5, 2008.

“...We pray you’ll keep us Mary... Faithful to you!” We sung the Alma Mater song in a solemn way (without the ‘Go Ateneo!’ after the chorus lines) at the end of the Mass in Gesu after the final UAAP game of this season. I love singing it that way – amidst the euphoria, the flock of Ateneans was able to sing it gloriously and proudly without stressing the lines ‘win or lose, it’s the school we choose.’ It is better this way because it has a tendency to sound a bit insecure whenever it is shouted after UAAP games (especially when Ateneo loses).

More than a week has passed and I think that I am still in the euphoric mood (just like some Lasallites are sulking hahaha). The world seems right again for us in the blue side of things as the Ateneo Blue Eagles sent the green guys home crying. Four wins and no loses. That is a statement. But, capturing the crown would still have to be the defining moment. This is why a week has passed and I am still talking about the UAAP season that was.


During the last time Ateneo won the Men’s Title (2002), I was unable to attend to the bonfire so I was really determined to be there this year. It happened last Tuesday night prompting me to balance my time because: a) my car is on coding that day; b) there is a despedida I have to go to; and c) I need to come home early so that I could drive my dad to the airport the following day. With little time in my hands, I hurriedly went to Ateneo as soon as the clock hit 7 o’ clock. I arrived there by 8 pm and the parking was crazy. The only parking slots left were in Ateneo grade school area. Due to my disbelief, I forgot to park on the nearest available slot. I ended up exiting the grade school and Ateneo because the traffic was really terrible. I ended up parking near the Shakey’s area. After enduring the long walk to Bellarmine field, I was surprised that a lot of people were just standing outside Xavier Hall. Curiosity got the best of me so I proceeded to the field were my leather shoes suffered the sticky mud. There were no more traces of the green grass and I was regretting my decision to proceed. I just bought my food and two championship shirts before I retreated to Xavier Hall where I heard the hosts introducing the Ateneo Blue Eagles. It was funny that every Blue Eagle was given a monicker. Justin Chua had the wackiest one as he was tagged Kung Fu Panda.

Ateneo was jampacked with Ateneans clad in their favourite ‘I love Ateneo’ shirts. If I am not mistaken, around 10,000 to 15,000 were there. Pretty much insane considering that most were not able to watch the festivities. Others flocked in their favorite tambayans or in nearby buildings like Gesu and Xavier Hall. Others even retreat as far as Shakey’s, Starbucks and Chiggy’s because it was really impossible to hang around Bel Field with that crowd. It really gets more and more difficult being an Ateneo fan these days as everyone is turning into a die-hard. Lining up at 5 AM does not give you any assurance of tickets. Coming to Araneta two hours before a seniors’ basketball game will not do you any good because Ateneans get the good seats in less than an hour’s time after the gates open. Thus, the bonfire festivities are just for get-togethers with old friends. Unfortunately, I was not able to meet some of my friends because a) it took them a time to park their car; b) the signal was awful; and c) I have to go early as I have a despedida to attend.

I read from the Internet that some wood that were burned had the Green Archers’ names on it (and some UAAP teams like UP Fighting Maroons and UE Red Warriors). I think it was done in bad taste but I guess the guy who did it just got fed up when he had to endure the times when La Salle had done crass acts like the photo op, Arana’s jiggy dance, the THES banner and a lot more. Well I guess, payback is a bitch to those in the green side who rejoiced and applauded their team when they were doing bad jokes on us, Ateneans. As for me, it was totally not something to be proud of. Yes, we do crack jokes on the losers for the fun of it but stooping that low makes you a loser as well. The reason why we felt glorious and happy for Ateneo during the seasons of failures was because our team did the right things. It was mostly ethical and the team upheld honest and fair play through sports. This is what sports teaches us – win or lose, you uphold your principles. Congratulate the winner and thank your team for fighting despite the struggles. A championship is just a commemoration of being the best. I just hope that Team Ateneo won’t ever stoop low to a win-at-all-costs attitude because we all know that winning is not everything.

As regards to win-at-all-costs, all I can say about Franz Pumaren is he should uphold the true meaning of sports. Not accepting the 1st runner up trophy is not a good way of restoring your honor after the past controversies. Sourgraping on referees does not help either. I do not need to enumerate the other questionable acts he has done as I should be discussing euphoria and all.

Kudos to Fr. Ben Nebres for doing the Ateneo Way by apologizing for the bonfire incident even if the wrong act was not intended to be part of the activities. Actually, even the guy who did it apologized as well. These made me feel better because these were the right things to do. Heck, even Nonoy Baclao said sorry for his emotional outburst after the definitive block on Rico Maierhoffer. Class act by the Finals MVP.

At the end of the day, ang sarap talagang maging Atenista.

Lasallians Just Got Blocked!

This season ends with some conclusive jokes against the Greenies. Nonoy Baclao’s block on Rico Maierhoffer best illustrates these. If you are a Lasallian, I suggest you do not read this as this is just meant to be joked around with Ateneans as you might accuse me of rubbing salt to your wounds. But if you read it, remember, ang pikon ay talo.

Last Year:
La Salle: 2>3. We win when it matters the most.

This Year:
Ateneo: 4>0. We win against La Salle when it really matters the most (Finals. Ateneo has beaten DLSU in 3 of their last 4 Finals head-to-head matches).

Last Year:
La Salle: (On THES-QS Rankings) La Salle – 392. Ateneo – 484. ‘Nuf Said!

This Year:
Ateneo: (On THES-QS Rankings) Ateneo – 451. La Salle – wala nga sa Top 500. ‘Nuff Said!

It is funny when some Lasallites like to state that, “Pagbigyan na ‘yan (referring to Ateneo). Once in every six years lang naman nagchachampion.” Whereas the fact is, they won their championship last year after a six year drought. Don’t count the 2004 championship because it was already returned. Remember, they cheated then. Counting the 2004 championship as theirs is like upholding the win-at-all-costs attitude.

Last Year:
La Salle: We showed them we can come back.

This Year:
La Salle: Let’s show them we can come back-to-back.


I think they just showed us they can lose back-to-back-to-back-to-back.


Payback is indeed a bitch!

Closing Time

All things must come to an end. We moved on after Ateneo got eliminated in seasons ago. The same way goes to this euphoria. After three months of being under the UAAP basketball spell, we have to move on with our daily lives. It is the time for us to end on indulging ourselves in sports articles and forums. It has been a great UAAP season for Ateneans and I am most thankful to God for blessing our teams with glorious victories this year – Seniors, Juniors, Grade School, Men’s and Women’s Swimming Teams. It was a fortunate year for me to startthis regular habit of blogging on UAAP basketball games because it ended with a championship for my dear Alma Mater. As for now, I shall return to playing Fantasy Basketball and cheering my favorite WNBA player – Becky Hammon. On the MLB Playoffs, go Boston Red Sox!

Peace and Love even to Lasallians

Animo Ateneo!

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