Monday, September 28, 2009

Farewell to Some Music Icons of the ‘90s

Note: This is an old post from my Multiply site last March 8, 2009.

Last week, I was viewing some YouTube videos after I started to remember how awesome Fall Out Boy was in live performance (I watched them when they went to Manila last 2007). As I was watching one live performance after another, I came up searching for Paramore’s (which has become my pastime) and the Smashing Pumpkins’. I came by the video of their supposedly last performance at the Metro in Chicago last December 2, 2000. The video featured die-hard fans lining up with their tickets. They held with it even if some people offered to buy them for $4500 each. Then came the part that struck me the most – one fan mentioned that “they (The Smashing Pumpkins) were one of the greatest bands of our generation. Our parents had Zeppelin and we have the Pumpkins and now they are gone so what are we left with? Some CD’s?” The video that I watched happened to show the last song the Pumpkins performed then and I suddenly had the realization that the people then felt that this is the very last time they are going to hear the Pumpkins live. To cut the story short, I suddenly felt then that soon I would be listening to the last performance of arguably the greatest band in Philippine music history.

I had with me two VIP tickets of the final set of the Eraserheads concert. I was uncertain who I would be going to watch the concert with but one thing was for sure: I am going to the concert and I am going to enjoy it. I spent a lot for it, but it’s the Eraserheads’ last concert for crying out loud! Even if I have watched them before (this would mark, I think, the 4th time I have seen them live), it is still the very last concert.

Days passed and soon there is just one day remaining. Last Friday, I woke up late (after enduring 1 ½ weeks of EMEA shift) and when I went online at YM and I was struck with some of the status messages of some people. “RIP Francis M” was a common one. Bloody hell... Francis Magalona is dead. I could not believe it. A day before we are going to lose the best Pinoy band, we already lost another Pinoy music icon from the ‘90s – the Master Rapper.

I can still remember idolizing Francis M when I was a child. I think I was six years old then when we were going to have a kris kringle with our relatives in our compound in Mandaluyong. We get to pick our code names and the theme was about Filipino celebrities. I forgot who I picked but I wanted to get the Francis M code name. He was so cool at that time with his hit song Mga Kababayan Ko.

Years passed and even if I am not that into Pinoy rap, I appreciated Francis M’s work especially Kaleidoscope World. I loved watching its music video because it reminds me of the good old ‘90s. It also had remarkable lyrics and rhythm in it. I loved the guitar solo at the end as well (it was one of those songs that give me ‘musical orgasm’ because of the beautiful guitar lead).

Francis M was not just one of the notable musical artists in the ‘90s – he was also one of the likable hosts in Eat Bulaga. He just has that aura of being awesome in him that you would like to have. I do not usually give high regard to celebrities (due to their nature of being controversial) but he has to be one of those I respect a lot.

Too bad, life is so short. Last March 6, the cool guy we learned to love died but his legacy continues.

March 7, 2009. Eraserheads: The Final Set. Over 10 Million fans, only 100,000 get to witness. I decided to give the ticket to my brother because I want him to experience how awesome concerts are. Yes, if you love music, you know that an expensive concert ticket is so much worth it than a replay that shows the close up of the artists. Yes, even if you have to endure the heavy traffic, stressful parking, sweaty concert grounds and the several obstructions. It is like watching a sports game live than on TV. The experience is just awesome that you know it is a sure win despite of all the expense and stress.

We arrived at the venue minutes before 7 PM. The VIP area was already packed with people but we were able to find a good location at the middle. We could have went nearer but I was not in the mood to join a possible mosh pit (yeah, as if there would be a mosh pit!). The PhP 5,000 was really worth it when I saw how far the Gold ticket holders were located. Even if they arrive early, they would barely see the band. Most of them would end up watching the big screen. Also, it was a bit spacious in the VIP area so the additional PhP 2,000 was indeed worth it.

As most concerts and gigs go, the waiting time is hell. You just stand up in there but you do not want to walk away from your location because you would surely lose it. At least, there were some commercials to see in the big screen. We get to see Andi Manzano from time to time. Oh yeah! At one time, we noticed some cameramen in our right side (we were situated at the metal barrier of the VIP pass section). The GMA reporter chose to report at our side. I don’t know if I was seen on TV but the cameraman was pointing his gadget just right in front of me. The people on our side began to scream because they would be seen on national TV. What did I do? I waved and smiled. I do not recall the full details but I was smiling most of the time. Whether I would be seen or not in TV, it was still a notable experience. I also happened to see myself at least a couple of times at the big screen when the cameras were showing the audience. The show has not yet started but it was already awesome.

By 8 PM, the MTV VJ’s (VJ Andi!!!) went and blabbered their advertisements to everyone. The only thing remarkable in it would be seeing the beautiful faces of Andi Manzano, Kat Alano and Anne Curtis. Soon, they started to show a documentary video of the Eraserheads in the big screen. UP studes and grads were screaming for joy whenever they showed footages of their beloved Alma Mater as the Eraserheads discussed their humble beginnings. All they just wanted then was to perform in Club Dredd and the Sunken Garden. Minutes after, the letter countdown to E (in reverse order starting from Z) began. By the time the letter E showed, the greatest Pinoy band started to rock.

This is what I expected from the Eraserheads - Ely was wearing long sleeves. They kicked off with Magasin and the crowd began to sing with them. The rest of the night was awesome. The lighting was good. They provided great entertainment when they let Marcus sing Huwag Mo Nang Itanong in a funny way. Raymund sang as well, this time, adding some Sandwich flavor in the vocals. The stage has got to be the best I have ever seen live. Too bad, Buddy did not sing. They reappeared for the second set from a rising platform sitting on bean bags! As it appeared like an acoustic set, the drums were made to fit it. As for the rest, I would discuss it below with the remarkable performances in the show.

Magasin. Of course this is notable. It kicked off the show and the crowd was lively at that time. I was actually disappointed with most of the crowd’s behavior in the concert as they were not that lively at some parts. This was why the Magasin performance stood out.

Huwag Mo Nang Itanong. They let Marcus sing this one and it was so funny. Everyone was laughing at his version. ‘Di ko sasabihin sa iyo!

Julie Tearjerky. The starting guitar pattern of this song really fits the acoustic guitar. I remember myself craving to learn how it was done when I was in sophomore year in high school. That was why it was great listening to them performing this in their acoustic set.

Pare Ko. I was wishing they perform this last as this was the very first Eraserheads song I loved. But even if that wish did not come true, the performance was still awesome. I sang this song with energy as this was for all my past heartbreaks and love failures. Together with the crowd, I shouted TANG INA! (no bleeping necessary) as if I released all the frustrations and disappointments of past years of my love life. This song really has one of the best lyrics because it was so genuine. And of course, I sang my favourite part wholeheartedly, “Pero, minamahal ko siya. ‘Di biro, TL ako sa kanya. Alam kong nababaduyan ka na sa mga sinasabi ko pero sana naman ay maintindihan mo.

Alapaap. I think the style they had on the first concert set was better because it was more energetic but this one is still good because it had a different feel. And of course, Alapaap is one of my most liked Eraserheads’ songs

Minsan. Eraserheads may not have performed some of my song wishes: Hard to Believe, Tuwing Umuulan at Kapiling Ka and Para sa Masa, but at least they performed my top song wish – Minsan. This song about friendship was golden and I enjoyed it being there when they perform this one for the very last time.

Superproxy. This was part of their tribute to Francis M because Francis M had a version of this some years ago. It is not on my top ten Eraserheads’ songs but I surely sang this one as lively as I could.

Kaleidoscope World. They performed the last chorus part and the solo lead of this song as a tribute to Francis Magalona. As I sang with the crowd, I pointed a finger to the skies above. This one is for Francis.

Spoliarium. The show stealer. I love the guitar sounds in this part. I used to think that Imago’s rendition was better than the original Eraserheads’ song but the E-heads redeemed this song in a big way in this performance. Nice dreamy feel in the verse part. The best has got to be when Ely put his electric guitar right in front of the amplifier in order to have some whirring effect. I know that some bands like the Smashing Pumpkins do this live but I have never seen a local performance of such. As I am a guitar enthusiast, I loved it more when he prolonged it.

Ang Huling El Bimbo. The definitive Eraserheads song. This song won them the MTV Music Award in Asia. I have no complaint on this being the last either. It was just fitting for them to end with this song (actually, they did not but it was supposed to be the last). The effects in this performance were superb. Watching from VIP was really worth it when they showered us with confetti at the final vocal parts of the song. It was dreamy. This was when Ely urged us to sing the final El Bimbo. As I sang at the top of my lungs with confetti falling on my head, I was in a moment of feeling glorious and thankful for this great band. At the same time, it was starting to sink that this is the very last I see them perform together. The instrumental part that followed will always be amazing and it became even more when Ely started burning the piano and eventually kicking it down the ground. Great ending. They ended with a semi-group hug (half-fulfilling the crowd’s wish).

Oh but wait...

Last Three Songs for the Road: Ligaya, Sembreak and Toyang. I thought that the Eraserheads already had the typical return for the song finale when they performed their final set that included Ang Huling El Bimbo but they re-returned to please their fans one more time. I usually expect band to return for the song finale but when the E-heads re-returned last night, I was struck. We were on our way out then but fortunately we chose the farther exit route that was why we were still able to position ourselves near the stage. One by one, the band members returned to plan on which songs they would perform. I do not know if they really planned for this one but it seems that it was not part of the set list as they could have ended it with Ang Huling El Bimbo. Ely does not even have his guitar anymore. I was not expecting these songs to be played as these were already performed last year but thank God they decided to bring these back. Together with the crowd I sang at the top of my lungs for the final three songs of this awesome band. The only buzzkill was when Ely Buendia asked Tim Yap to sing part of Toyang. He did not know the lyrics so the fans were cursing him after the show. You are in front of the masa, Mr. Socialite.

All in all, it was a legend – wait for it – dary concert. The sound quality was not the best but the set, effects and the props beat foreign bands’ performance when they perform here. It was a fitting ending for Philippines’ greatest band.

We were part of history. Copying LeBron’s Nike advertisement slogan, we are witnesses. Thanks for the memories, Eraserheads and Francis M!

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