Friday, September 25, 2009

Writer's Block

Note: This is an old post from my Multiply site last January 10, 2007.

The title says it all. I am currently having writer’s block, yet I am here blogging. I know that it is not productive to force things when it is not the right time. But what the heck? No matter how awful this journal entry would end up to, I just realized that I sometimes need to provide the perspective of a person who is struggling to make a decent writeup. Too bad for my first journal entry of the new year as this would most likely end up lame. The concern on it, this time around is that, I have no excuses to think of as to why this lack of inspiration to write on something is happening to me. As a matter of fact, I did not have that much work these past few weeks. Work, due to its busy nature, kills my creative juices to write – and kills my time. My heart ain’t dead too. I have been strongly feeling various emotions recently. Love, infatuation, despair, frustration, joy – all the feelings that I have been disregarding during the month of November last year are what I have been experiencing right now. Kudos to my heart as it has become successful in dominating my brain again. Perhaps, I am a bit mature on handling such capricious feelings now but I will always be an emotional person. But still, my expressive heart was not able to fuel my inspiration to write.

I am very fortunate not to decide on taking a career in writing. I am simply blank right now. So for the rest of this entry, please have the patience of reading random things that I can think of right now. There’s nothing in here that I consider profound. But if you want to look for certain interpretations regarding me, feel free to do so. You have to know me quite well to understand some double meanings or connotations. There are some things that might get misinterpreted along the way too.

New Guitar Strings, Same Old Guitar Pickups

I finally had my high E string replaced last Saturday. I actually planned to change my guitar pickups on that same day too. The humbucker that I like – the Air Norton – was unavailable as usual. However, my second choice (PAF Pro) was for sale on the Audiophile branch I went to. I would have bought it on the spot (I’m really a stupid impulsive buyer) if the store guy promised me to put it on my guitar before the day ends. But, I had another case of lack of good customer service when the store guy showed his lack of enthusiasm to provide me service by saying that it is not possible for him to fix it before the day ends. I am easy to be pleased but I am quite sensitive when I don’t get prioritized.

Am I regretting that I have the same old guitar pickups? No. My stock pickups are decent. Changing it is merely a want, not a need.

Got Burnt?

I used to be very clumsy when I was a child. I normally get myself hit, cut or bruised whenever I involve myself on physical activities. That means everyday then because I usually play basketball whenever there is no rain. When going to the grocery, I usually bump into the items that are stacked. My mother used to scold me for this because my reckless actions make me act like Goofy. Fortunately, things change when I grew up. However, I cannot prevent accidents from occurring.

Last Christmas, we had a family reunion in our house. I wanted to feel comfortable so I decided to be in normal house attire. I was just wearing a T-shirt (and a basketball jersey on top of it because it was too cold) and basketball shorts. We were just eating our meal when in one instance, I was moving backwards in order to have more space when I felt something sharp pricked my right leg. It felt like a needle – I thought it was. But it wasn’t. It was just a hot oven (not the microwave one) placed way too low near the ground. I first thought that my quick reaction saved me from getting burnt. I took a peek on the rear part of my leg and there seem to be no burnt marks. My skin did not turn reddish or pinkish at all. Later in the day, my leg became itchy. I tried to scratch it when I felt the deformed and soft part of it. There was a dark burnt mark on it after all. Merry Christmas to me. This turned into an Itchy Holiday Season as I could not help but scratch it at times of need. Fortunately, it is fully healed now.

Occupational Hazard

This subtitle comes from the article about the recent injuries of NBA players and how such affect the fantasy value of their teammates. I was not spared from the bad news that happened to the recently injured NBA stars. My fantasy NBA team is soaring on top of our league charts when I had an early Christmas present – Yao Ming was injured. Every Yao Ming owner would have felt the pain the same as I did. The guy was producing huge fantasy numbers the whole season and has been the main reason why I had the best record in the league. He was the second best player in my lineup then.

After that incident, I was still able to win the next games. Thank God, my new second best player (Michael Redd) was producing significantly. He WAS. Like my second best player before him, Redd got injured recently. It would be more than a month for me without two of my top three players. That sucks, but that’s life. The best I could do is accept and move on. Wait for the time when they are available again and make the most of it.

Are You For Real?

Jeff del Prado, as an NBA fantasy owner, are you for REAL? Uhh… It’s up to you to answer that question. All I care for as of now is to get the best players in my fantasy league and make the optimal lineup changes every week. As of now, my fantasy NBA record is 9-1, and is the current best in the league (7-3 is the next). I am putting this in writing because I have to savor the moment because it might last too soon due to the injuries of my players.

What then was the reason for my success? My fantasy draft was quite strong but I have to attribute a lot of my success to my aggressive player transactions (picking up from the free agent list or trading). I have traded Andrew Bogut and Tyson Chandler in order to get Antawn Jamison. I picked up David Lee right after Channing Frye went down, and the list goes on… Here is my current lineup:

1) LeBron James
2) Yao Ming
3) Michael Redd
4) Deron Williams
5) Raymond Felton
6) Andrei Kirilenko
7) Antawn Jamison
8) Jason Terry
9) David Lee
10) Al Jefferson
11) Speedy Claxton
12) Wally Szczerbiak
13) Josh Childress
14) Jarrett Jack
15) Luke Walton

I finally gave up on my three point gunners: Morris Peterson and Quentin Richardson. I also bid farewell to Darko Milicic after his recent stinker performances in order to get Speedy Claxton in order to boost my steals. Giving up Andrew Bogut and Tyson Chandler was a very big risk for me as I instantly lost two big guys. But, adding David Lee and Al Jefferson to my lineup made me stop regretting as they consistently rack up huge rebounding totals and awesome fieldgoal percentages every game. Raymond Felton has become a stud after most people have deemed him overrated during the early parts of the season. But then, it was like last season as Brevin Knight is out again. Wally Szczerbiak, due to injuries, has become a non-factor in my lineup. But with Redd out, I think I am going to need him to provide the scoring, percentages, and the threes. Jason Terry remains as my biggest regret of the season (because I drafted him over Rashard Lewis… I’m a fool!) but he is too good to be dropped. All in all, my team competes well in all fields except in turnovers.

Prison Break

Prison Break rules! I just finished catching up all its episodes recently. All I can say is that Dr. Sara Tancredi is so pretty! LOL I am still this shallow but I can’t help but appreciate simple beauty. But seriously, Prison Break Season 2 kicks ass. I like it even better than the first season. I just hope that they would continue to maintain the pace by the time the series resumes on January 22.

Goodbye Old Leather Shoes! Goodbye New Year’s Resolutions!

After five years, my old pair of leather shoes has worn out. I am actually planning to replace it this year – I was just waiting for the January Inventory Close-out Sale of most of the stores. But my good old leather shoes had to speak first before I replaced them. It is quite embarrassing to walk in the office with my shoe sounding like a walking horse in a street but that’s what I get for getting too thrifty. But since those shoes lasted for more than four years, I stuck with its brand when I bought a new pair. Kudos to G.H. Bass & Co. It does not matter to me if their leather shoes are quite expensive (they are actually mid-priced… leather shoes are supposed to be more pricey than other shoes anyway). No matter how kuripot I am, I would always be open to spend a lot on some things. Because if I like it and I have the passion for it, it is priceless and money does not matter at all.

Just like my old pair of shoes, my New Year’s Resolutions had to say goodbye too as I failed to consistently do most of it. Oh well…

As to how I was able to write this much despite of my writer’s block, I do not know.

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