Monday, September 28, 2009

Kara DioGuardi Steals the Show!

Note: This is an old post from my Multiply site last May 21, 2009.

I was having a nice Swedish massage awhile ago and it put me into a trance. This stuff really brings out the escapist on me. After all, it is a very busy month so far. As I was forgetting that I spent 600 bucks for an hour, I also remembered how notable this day was. The Cleveland Cavaliers are in their Game 1… oh forget about it, they lost. Anyway, it was fair and square. Other than which, American Idol had its season finale. That pretty much seals the lid of this season’s shows. Last month, we had the sucky Heroes ending. We were treated by awesome season finale episodes of Lost and Grey’s Anatomy last week. And I just finished watching the best season ever of How I Met Your Mother last night.

I must say that the season ender of American Idol is the most legend – wait for it – dary episode that they had the whole year. The lineup was simply amazing. Great artists performed and the fun parts were very entertaining.

The very first part that I was able to catch was David Cook singing. The green lighting added flavor to his performance and I was treated with the classic David Cook sound. I did not even know the song but I still appreciated it. Nice way to start my day. I already had hunches of who will win (thanks to Dial Idol) but I was still going to watch this thing.

The show continued with further performances from the finalists. I was able to watch my favorite – Alexis Grace – perform again and I must say that I really like her Memphis accent. Too bad, she was not able to grow in me that I cannot consider her as part of my personal Top Five this year. Jason Mraz was also able to perform and he really is amazing. I just wished he sang more songs. The Golden Idol Awards was pretty funny as well because we have bountiful of funny contestants this year. Nick Mitchell was his usual hilarious self although I wished he had more airtime because his overacting seemed insufficient.

The next award was on another highly controversial contestant – Katrina Darrell a.k.a. ‘Bikini Girl’. I must say she was pretty hot even if she had an obvious boob job. Not only did she get to show up in her sexy outfit, she also got to sing. Then, the American Idol backdrop went up and Bikini Girl’s microphone went mute. Oh my God! Kara DioGuardi is performing. We got the treat of watching Paula Abdul performing – not singing, she was lipsynching – this season but this time, we have a judge singing. I must say that Kara’s performance was not exceptional but she can sing. Suddenly, she just did what irked her a lot this season by stripping to show her bikini body. Now that is legend – wait for it – dary! I do not normally react like this in public writeups but I have to do it to replicate Kara’s guts awhile ago. I have to admit that I had this fantasy some time during this season that Kara shows up in a bikini in order to pawn Bikini Girl and what better way to do it in the season finale. Nice one, Kara. Shocker of the night. Show stealer. It made my day even if I knew that Kris Allen will be the new American Idol. Ladies and gentlemen, we just had the climax of the show.

Speaking of which, Kris Allen butchered Kara’s written song yesterday by singing off key. I stated last week that it is fine if Kris wins it all, but I could not help but get disappointed at him when he sucked in his last two performances. Fortunately, he redeemed it in a big way when he performed “Kiss A Girl”. I realized that Kris’ voice has grown on me despite of his vocal shortcomings. Now, he can win again.

Several performances later, Kris’ nemesis – Adam Lambert – gets to perform and he showed me why he is the best contestant this season. Forget the fact that he is gay. He rocked hard with Kiss. Holy Mackerel! KISS! First, Kara stripped then I get to see Kiss performing in my screen. This is simply awesome. Adam killed it as his voice is pretty much suited to Kiss songs. I wanna rock and roll all night! They wrecked a guitar. Awesome squared! I was enjoying every moment of it and this reminds me why I am considering listening to Adam Lambert’s first album. I just hope he does it with the band a la Queen because that will make him rock better.

Next up, Carlos Santana exhibited his guitar prowess. That guy is really one of the best ever. Skip some performances and we have the grand finalists singing “We Are The Champions” with Queen. I have been wishing hard that Adam performs a Queen song this season (audition does not count) and this is the perfect way to end things up. He does it with the band itself. We may have Kris Allen performing alongside but it’s alright because Kris’ voice complemented the song pretty well. Plus points to the American Idol again.

The show ends with the expected result. I stated last week that Kris has the better chance of winning (at 60% probability) because Adam was simply polarizing. I surely do not think that Kris is the better singer/performer/artist but kudos to him as well because he played his cards well in a popularity perspective. He peaked at the right time. He mixed mediocre with great performances. Whenever he performs great, it shone further. That’s how you play it, dude. He made America fall for him. He sucked at first but he did well at the end. That put me into a realization because that’s what happens when I fall for a girl. Ever since college (my significant crushes only), all the girls I thought were for real used to be someone I did not care about. Love at first sight my ass. Someone should grow into me before I consider it for real. OK, we are off topic. Let’s proceed on…

That ends the season but let us discuss more about AI. This is the first time I watched it completely and since I love lists, I will show my list of bests from what I have seen so far. OK, I just started watching last season but thanks to Youtube, I was able to watch some of the old performances. Does that make me credible? It doesn’t matter! I am making my list. It does not contain some remarkable contestants like Fantasia, Taylor and Ruben because I have not heard of them. It does not include Chris Daughtry as well because I will save listening to him for the future (so that there is still something to appreciate by then).

This Season

Best American Idol Performer: Adam Lambert. He is just extremely talented. Awesome song choices as well.

Top Five Performers:
Adam Lambert
Kris Allen
Allison Iraheta
Danny Gokey
Matt Giraud

Best Judge: Simon Cowell. I usually agree with his comments and I think it is just fine to be mean to contestants. America should be voting for talent not for being nice.

Ranking of Judges:
1. Simon Cowell
2. Kara DioGuardi. She is simply the hottest. She also makes smart comments. Most American fans hate her for ruining the established triumvirate but I think she is better than the other two. Although I hate it when she dances with Paula. Going nuts is just suited for Paula.
3. Paula Abdul. Even if she is incoherent for most of the time, Paula still adds flavor by being nice. She should stop making smart comments. She is more suited for the funny and uplifting part of Idol.
4. Randy Jackson. Yo! Yo! Man, check this out! You know for me, for you, you have been repeating lines over and over again. I can make a Randy Jackson drinking game, dawg! We all know that the contestants can really, really, really sing. Are you on dope?! What?!

Best Performances (in no particular order)
Alexis Grace – I Never Loved A Man
Adam Lambert – Mad World
Allison Iraheta – Alone
Kris Allen – Ain’t No Sunshine
Adam Lambert – Whole Lotta Love
Danny Gokey – Hero
Kris Allen – Heartless
Adam Lambert – Satisfaction
Allison Iraheta – Papa Was A Rolling Stone
Adam Lambert – Ring of Fire

What?! Ring of Fire is in there but there is no Tracks Of My Tears?! American Idol fans are going to attack me because of this. Dude, to each his own. That song wins chicks. I am not a chick. Go figure. Anyway, I was not so into it. There were several Adam Lambert songs that amazed me better than that popular song. Yes, I have Ring Of Fire in this list even if some people could have thrown their TV sets because of it. It is not everyone’s cup of tea and it is a bit extreme. I understand if you dislike it but I liked his execution of the song. Reminds me of Mars Volta.

Best Performance: Adam Lambert – Whole Lotta Love

This is a pretty close call between Mad World and Whole Lotta Love. But I am a Zeppelin fan and since Adam made a great rendition of it, I chose Whole Lotta Love.

Best Performance Night: Top Three

I got ecstatic in Rock Week because they performed Whole Lotta Love and Come Together but I think the Top Three matchup was the best. Adam’s rock songs were off the charts. Kris had me in LSS on Apologize and his Heartless rendition was the shiznit. It put me into a ‘throw Gokey away’ mode even if Danny had great performances as well.

Favorite Studio Version: Alexis Grace – Dirty Diana

Alexis’ pimp spot performance was not incredible. She was pitchy then but when I listened to the studio version of it, I had an instant eargasm. She was rocking in there. I overplayed it on my iPod Touch last March.

Overall Bests

Best Performances:
David Cook – Always Be My Baby
David Cook – Billie Jean
David Cook – Hello
David Archuleta – Imagine
Adam Lambert – Whole Lotta Love
Adam Lambert – Mad World
Carrie Underwood – Alone
Carrie Underwood – Angels Brought Me Here
Kelly Clarkson – Natural Woman
Kelly Clarkson – Without You
Kelly Clarkson – A Moment Like This
Alexis Grace – I Never Loved A Man
Brooke White – Let It Be
Katharine McPhee – Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Clay Aiken - Bridge Over Troubled Water
Clay Aiken – Unchained Melody
Clay Aiken – Somewhere Out There
Kellie Pickler – Bohemian Rhapsody
Kris Allen – Heartless

Hottest Contestant: Katharine McPhee
Runner-Up: Carrie Underwood

Funniest Contestant: Nick Mitchell

Best Underdog: Kris Allen

Most Artistic: David Cook

Favorite Theme: Beatles Theme Week in Season 7

Nicest Contestant: Brooke White

Best Instrument Player: David Cook. Gibson Les Paul guitar for the win!

Best Judge: Simon Cowell

Most Notable Simon Comment: “…it was a bit like ordering a hamburger and only getting the bun” (on Brooke White singing Hero)
Runner-Up: “It was like something coming out of karaoke hell into… a breath of fresh air!” (on David Cook singing Always Be My Baby)
Another Runner-Up: standing ovation after Adam Lambert sang Mad World

Worst Judge Comment: “Yo! Yo! Yo! Check this out! You know for me for you…” – Randy Jackson

Favorite Shocker: Check the title of this blog entry

Best Performance Ever: David Cook – Always Be My Baby

My reaction after watching this was “it’s over!" David Cook made a mediocre fun Mariah song into a haunting masterpiece. No wonder this song became #1 in FM charts in Manila. Ever since I heard this, I usually sang this song in videokes. Of course, I murdered the song especially given the fact that I was singing low notes in the Mariah version. Anyway, at least it delivered some laughs so it was usually worth it.

Runner-Up: Katharine McPhee – Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Best American Idol Ever: David Cook
Runner-Up: Carrie Underwood

I have to give it to the rocker. After all, rock is my favorite genre. The main realization I had this season is that I still followed it despite the lack of females (and other than Kara DioGuardi is still there after every song) because I know that Adam Lambert will belt out an awesome rock hit. David is not only a rocker but he is the most artistic of them all. Add that to his haunting voice, amazing vocal range and instrument performances and you have the best overall performer of the American Idols. Carrie Underwood ends up second because other than she has boobs, she is a very excellent singer. She reaches the high notes effortlessly. Her voice is very beautiful. And she got me addicted to her performances. Other idols that I would consider as best would be Kelly Clarkson, Adam Lambert and Clay Aiken.

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