Monday, September 28, 2009

UAAP Season 72 End of 2nd Round Thoughts

Note: This is an old post from my Multiply site last September 14, 2009.

I am quite stressed right now but since writing a blog releases some of it, here are my thoughts on the UAAP Season 72 end of eliminations. Lots of things to discuss here…

Power Rankings:
1) Ateneo de Manila University Blue Eagles (13-1). No Brainer. They swept the second round of eliminations so this top spot belongs to them. The Blue Eagles are clicking like a well-oiled machine as players take turns in being the best guy each game. Ateneo is back as the best defensive squad and they have shown they are hungry to retain the title as they have pounded teams like UP and they have shown the heart of a champion by catching up from a huge deficit.
2) University of the East Red Warriors (10-4). Six game winning streak. The Red Warriors have finally learned from past mistakes as they are now banking on ‘peaking at the right time.’ I do not trust Coach Chongson’s offensive strategy but their streak is simply a feat.
3) Far Eastern University Tamaraws (11-3). They could have been #1 here if they just kept their huge lead against the defending champs. Squandering an 18 point lead with roughly ten minutes to play is a huge downer. It shows weaker character in controlling the game. The team is still lethal and is still the best team to beat Ateneo but they lost two games in the 2nd Round.
4) University of Santo Tomas (6-8). Final Four is Final Four. They maybe losing in bunches recently but they still entered the Final Four.
5) Adamson University (5-9). If they just won one close game in the first round (either from UST or DLSU), they could have been playing UST for the final playoff spot. Nevertheless, they were impressive by having a 4-3 record in the 2nd round. Kudos to Coach Leo Austria.
6) University of the Philippines Fighting Maroons (3-11). They may have lost badly in the recent games but they were still able to get two wins in the second round. NU might have beaten DLSU in their last game but UP also beat both the former and latter. Bright future for the State U kids but this is obviously not their year.
7) De La Salle University Green Archers (5-9) and National University Bulldogs (3-11). 1-6 in the 2nd round. That is simply losing when it matters. This should easily just be DLSU because they sport a better record but their loss to the team with the worst record at their most crucial game is just a huge blow to them especially that they have a reputation of ‘winning when it matters the most.’

Cheerdancing Competition Thoughts:

I really suck in evaluating Cheerdance competitions. Anyway, I care more on traditional cheerleading than cheerdancing because the former is what pumps up the crowd to support their team during games. I had the gall to predict the winners (via Twitter) before competition started: 1) UP 2) UST 3) DLSU. Yup, I thought the Animo Squad is for real this year when they showcased their skills during the past halftime routines. Because I had the feeling that I incorrectly predicted it, I just stated that I was a lousy evaluator.

I continued watching and I waited for the Ateneo Blue Babble Battalion. Of course, I also waited for Jessica Mendoza’s introduction to them because it would show the more perky side of her because courtside reporting for basketball reveals her more serious side. It was just one commercial away from my Alma Mater’s performance when *poof* our electricity went out. Nice timing! Electricity was restored eventually but I was just able to watch the final minute of the Blue Babble presentation. I found the stunts normal and I was not able to grasp the theme better. Thus, I tried to foolishly redeem my first prediction by predicting that Ateneo will not win in the CDC.

Good job, Jeff! As it turned out, an Atenean cheerdancer won the Samsung Stunner and Ateneo placed second overall. Of course, being a runner up was a first for the Blue Babble so that counts as a win as well. From now on, I will never give predictions on UAAP CDC. I am still very glad of the Blue Babble Batallion.

Jeff: “Congratulations to the Ateneo Blue Babble Battalion for placing second in the UAAP CDC”
Blue Babble (to Jeff): “No thanks to you, you fair-weathered non-believer!”

Haha! The Blue Babble won’t say that to me because it is not the Ateneo way but I admit that I felt bad for not believing in them. I strongly follow the basketball team but I normally expect nothing from the Babble in CDC. Quite unfair, right? Yes. To think of it, they are the ones who get in touch with us during games. I am a vocal spectator during UAAP games so the effect of the Blue Babble is huge on me. I usually lose my voice before the first quarter ends due to cheering. Thus, I deserved to be called a non-believer after I counted out the Blue Babble from winning the cheerdancing competition. Nevertheless, I prefer their cheerleading ways more than their cheerdancing so as long as we get to have our traditional cheers to pump up the team, I am still proud of the Blue Babble no matter how low they place in the Cheer Dance Competitions.

Final Four Thoughts:
• No matter how awful a technical coach I think of Pido, I hope the Blue Eagles do not underestimate their Espana counterparts. We are on a great winning streak and relaxing right now is a no-no because we do not want to lose any steam. I hope we beat the Growling Tigers in the first game.
• As Jessica reported in the UP game, Coach Norman Black is busy preparing his team on three important factors: 1) conditioning, 2) tactics against opponents and 3) emotions. I am loving every bit of Black’s strategy! After years of watching the Blue Eagles struggle, we have the right coach to guide the players on the right way to win when it matters the most. Past coaches usually missed these pointers. Before, Ateneo spends most of their positive energy early on the season, but since last year the Blue Eagles are pumping huge momentum as the games become more and more crucial. This is why we are poised to win it all. However, it is easier said than done. Lots of things can happen so I am just hoping that we end up winning the championship.
• Dylan Ababou wins the MVP award. Based on the current criteria to win the MVP (by stats alone), he fully deserves it even if his stats sometimes get bloated with their run-and-gun style of play. However, I did not want him to win it because he punched a player during the season. Enrico Villanueva and Rich Alvarez were both disqualified from winning the MVP trophy before because they punched players, why give Dylan the exception? His achievement will have an asterisk on it because of that unsportsmanlike act. UAAP is about upholding sportsmanship so why was this thing missed?
• Is UE for real? After all these years, I cannot really say. Pundits are predicting a Red Warrior win in their Game 1. As for me, do not count out the Tams – they are #2 for a reason.
• I was wrong in predicting that DLSU will be in the Final Four but this has got to be one of the times when I was happy to be mistaken. Haha! I love watching Ateneo battle DLSU but to be honest, I wanted them to lose to NU for them to feel what we felt two years ago. And besides, it is physically and emotionally draining for the Blue Eagles whenever they face La Salle. I badly want Ateneo to win the championship this year. Also, it is very difficult to line up for tickets. I had to line up starting 4 AM in Araneta last year just to get a General Admission ticket!
• Winning the crown is an achievement. Repeating it is a bigger feat. If I am not mistaken, Larry Bird’s Celtics never repeated in their dominance during the 80’s. Even the San Antonio Spurs have not accomplished this when they won four crowns. Champions have been there and done it when they defend their crown, however we must remember that they carry that huge bull’s eye target at their backs throughout the season when they defend. Opposing teams always take champions seriously and more importantly, champions have to battle against their upgraded egos. Thus, I am praying and hoping that the Blue Eagles win the UAAP Men’s Basketball Trophy this year. I have already experienced the disappointment in 2003. Let’s not make that happen again. And besides, it’s just once in our lives that we experience the 150th anniversary of our school so please make it sweet and special.

MVP Rankings:
This is unnecessary as it has been announced already.

Mythical Five:
Rabeh Al-Hussaini
Aldrech Ramos
Dylan Ababou
Paul Lee
Andy Barrocca

Rookie of the Year:
RR Garcia. However, I think he is not eligible. Nevertheless, it’s his first year and he has shown that he can carry the FEU team on his shoulders when their supposedly strong cast disappoints.
Jeric Teng. He is the likely winner. The stats support it and you can observe that he is for real when he plays. This kid has pride, puso and is palaban.

Courtside Reporter:
1) Jessica Mendoza. I may have criticized her in my past blog but she is still the #1 in my books. She is substance and style combined. Je delivers the news that we, die-hard basketball fans, want. She may not be as natural as Lia was, but Jessica did not have a strong basketball background before. Lia Cruz still remains the best courtside reporter in my books but Jessica Mendoza can potentially be better than Lia because of Jessica’s attention to detail and willingness to immerse. Oh by the way, Jessica looks very beautiful in a cheerleader outfit.
2) Maan Panganiban. Confidence, confidence, confidence. This girl exudes confidence and delivers her nicely-written reports naturally. Extra points for reporting for NU.
3) Tiff Atendido. She is actually at par with Maan. Maybe, Maan just delivers it with better lines. Nevertheless, good job!

Defensive Player of the Year: Nonoy Baclao. He may not have the most blocks per game this year but his defensive presence is enough to bother opposing slashers.

Warrior of the Year: Nonoy Baclao. Since their first round game against DLSU, Baclao has been suffering from an injury in his left hand. Nevertheless, that did not stop the guy from playing crucial games in the second round. He was rested in other games but these were already in the latter part of the second round. For valiantly defending the crown (pun intended), Nonoy Baclao deserves to be the warrior of the year.

Sixth Man of the Year: Bader Malabes. Yep, 6th man for their opponents. Just kidding! Let’s give this guy a break as he had a tough year

Real Sixth Man of the Year: Nico Salva. He is also the Most Improved. This guy has immensely improved from last year as he has shown that he is a consistent force off the bench. Ateneo’s starters usually struggle offensively so Nico’s points always come in handy as Ateneo usually pads up the lead when they face their opponents’ bench.

Coach of the Year: Norman Black. 13-1. Coach Norm has conquered collegiate basketball. From recruitment to end-game decision-making, Black has pushed the right buttons. Ateneo’s record speaks for itself. Their composure and deep lineup are the perfect ingredients for succeeding. Armchair coaches cannot ask anything more from Norman Black.

Player you would love to be part of your team but you would hate if he plays against you: Eric Salamat. His trash-talking psyches out his opponents and on the other hand, he knows how to pump up the crowd. Seriously, this is what Ateneo – as we always field in a good team image – lacked before. Eric, maraming salamat! One Big Salute to you!
Runner-up: Joshua Webb. This kid has animo in him. He just needs to be more consistent.

Sportsmanship Award: Adamson University Soaring Falcons. They got eliminated easily but they showed what sportsmanship and school pride is all about – they played all out in their last (no-bearing) games. As a result, they edge the once-dominant DLSU Green Archers in the fifth place via quotient system. Kudos to Leo Austria and his boys.

Favorite Twitter Personality of the Year: Jessica Mendoza. Hey, she re-tweeted me! But to be honest, there’s no other UAAP Tweep I know of. Does someone know the Twitter ID’s of the players? It would be interesting to know what’s in their heads prior to the games. But of course, I would think twice before adding because I only follow personalities who post interesting and grammatically-correct tweets. I had to de-tweet NBA players before because they were talking nonsense and were flooding my Twitter site.

P.S. I still have not started writing on the second part of “Atenista ako. Ikaw?” There is too much work these days
On to the fray. Let’s win it all on our 150th anniversary. Go Ateneo! One Big Fight!

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